Psychological pressure of the deposit amount - page 3

Bicus писал(а) >>

And I just don't believe (the topstarter).


Not specifically writing this post to you... Just want to tell you a little bit about myself...
In 2000 my brother-in-law completely quit his job and started Forex. Studied for a year and a half and traded in dealing centres. Once he lost his deposit.
Now he is a professional; he has a different attitude to money. We still live solely with forex.

I have always been fond of IT-technologies, adored the spatial geometry, however algebra is not my kind of thing. I earned my bread as a programmer, systems engineer, then the head of IT department.
Since 2002 I've got an a---i account. I had a desire to trade from time to time. I had lost my deposit once.
I have been working for some time and now I am on my first step - training.
During these 8 years of my acquaintance with forex I have learned a lot, for instance:
Greed leads to bankruptcy.
I have learned that greed leads to bankruptcy.

I am now treating Forex not as a lottery, but as a serious job.
Therefore I approach it seriously from a technical point of view (a few computers, a few Internet channels, a comfortable desk and chair), but also from a psychological one (risk assessment, stops, etc.).

To believe or not to believe is a matter of religion...
bank писал(а) >>

it's not a robot but a piece of shit ))

if the demo and microreal are showing defects let it trade

i dont understand your thoughts about two years on the real
who is the demo for?

And I don't understand you.
With a deposit of $150k a $2k drawdown is shit?
DDFedor писал(а) >>

Oh, man... The forum is glitchy... Work is not a nerve-racking thing. You get it, you work. You don't get it, you stand. What's the psychological aspect of it?

I completely agree, calculation. I guess I'm just still too green.... My brother said that after about 2 years his attitude to profit and loss has changed...
Bicus писал(а) >>

Who is this guy?

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DDFedor >>:

работа - это не щикотка нервов. расчет есть - работаем. расчета нет - стоим. причем тут психологический аспект?

Why, you say?
Have you ever lost at least 300 quid in half a day's work?

I have. Ruined my mood for at least a week. And here's a man who wants to increase his lot by an order of magnitude.
And you say, "What does the psychological aspect have to do with it?" :)))

Or is losing 3,000 quid like two fingers... ? I envy you in that case.

Advice to the author: write a robot and let it trade on your computer. On a remote computer, so that there is no temptation to look into it and interfere.
Advice to the author: write a robot and let it trade on a computer. On a remote computer, so that there is no temptation to look into it and interfere.

It's only in fairy tales that everything is beautiful...
Or with commensurately small lots (up to 3 for example)...

DDFedor >>:

работа - это не щикотка нервов. расчет есть - работаем. расчета нет - стоим. причем тут психологический аспект?

Exactly, technical analysis is cold calculations and no psychology or yoga.
AlexSTAL >>:

And I don't understand you.
With a $150k deposit a $2k drawdown is shit?

so what's the problem if you have a robot with this kind of drawdown? why do you need psychology?
AlexSTAL >>:

Это только в сказках всё красиво...
или при соизмеримо малых лотах (до 3-х к примеру)...

Wait a minute.

You have a profitable trading system. You say so yourself. If you have a system, you can program a bot. The bot trades by lots (its size does not matter).

So what is the problem?

Bicus писал(а) >>

Why, you say?
Have you ever lost at least 300 quid in half a day's work?

I have. Ruined my mood for at least a week. And here's a guy who wants to increase his lot by an order of magnitude.
And you say, "What does the psychological aspect have to do with it?" :)))

Or is losing 3,000 quid like two fingers... ? I envy you in such a case.

Advice to the author: write a robot and let it trade on the computer. It's entirely your choice. work or play.

it's entirely your choice. work or play with toys and tickle your nerves... nothing more to add...

Trade on the demo. And let the copier trade on the real one.
It worked for me. For 3 or 4 months (I do not remember exactly). After that I could not cheat myself, but maybe you will? :)

You need nerves to observe them, you'll have to do better than that. It takes nerves to watch what the "iron" does with blood. It also takes some getting used to.