A problem with the terminal. Has anyone experienced it? - page 11

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!!! And for your time!

Will check for viruses... and I'll try to put it in.
At least they tried to help. In any case, the time was well spent :)
If you do have to work with the 225 build - don't forget to disable auto-update in it, so that it does not update to the latest version.
zhuki >>:

У меня круче

P133 32mb 2Gb HDD WIN98 ноутбук

MT4 работает прекрасно, иногда оставляю на нём советников на реальном счету. Доверяю на 100%. На оптимизацию не запускал,но думаю работать будет без проблем,просто медленно.

This is really cool. The terminal alone eats up at least 250mb. Poor hard drive. ))
Dear traders, don't bother with the left antivars. Buy Casper or Simante. The second is preferable (corporate), or download it.
On Vista, the terminal does work a bit crooked, but not that much. And 225 and 226 builds work.
Debugger >>:
Уважаемые трейдеры, не парьтесь с левыми антиварами. Купите Каспера или Симанте. Второе предпочтительней (корпоративный), ну либо скачайте.

I already answered you on the first page, about memory and number of cores. I'll answer you now about antiviruses :)

Great information security expert, man... There's no other way to put it... Do you understand, or are you just... just to fluff it up?

Antivirus testing is done by independent reputable test labs, internationally recognised, whose opinion is taken into account by antivirus brands (including Kaspers and Symantec) and whose test results are not disputed. These are not magazine tests or advertising tests. They are objective tests conducted by information security professionals.

There are only a few such test labs in the world. One of them is: av-comparatives.org. The official site is: http://www.av-comparatives.org/.

Here are test results of 19 known (not illegitimate, illegitimate products are not included into test) antivirus products, conducted in March, 2010 (the description and results of this test in pdf format you can download here: http://www.av-comparatives.org/images/stories/test/ondret/avc_report25.pdf):

Testing for malware detection by different anti-viruses against a collection of 1.2 million samples. The results are as follows (percentage of total number of samples detected). As we can see the first place in detection is taken by the G DATA twin-engine antivirus, with Avira in second place. But how do Kaspersky and Symantec detect threats?

Other test labs give similar results.

I should point out that there are no perfect anti-virus solutions. Every product has advantages and disadvantages. I can cite dozens of advantages of any product you mention and (oddly enough) easily cite dozens of disadvantages of the products you mention.

So, let's not start a hullabaloo. Before you write - think about it ten times.
Good for you that you have chosen a protection product for yourself, but respect the opinion of others. OK?
I won't argue about it, but large companies that don't want to bother with catching viruses but just want to work. They install Symantec enterprise software.
Once again, it's not for debate - to each his own. Everyone makes their own choice - everyone has different results.
I suggest that you stop the chorus on this topic. Otherwise, fans of other anti-virus solutions who are also "not interested in catching viruses but just want to work" will appear in the thread and give you their arguments. And they will be absolutely right.

No product is perfect, every solution is in some ways superior to others but in some ways inferior. That's the end of the story.
Hello again, unfortunately...

Yesterday the platform got up but worked very slowly....

Then this morning it went down again...
Debugger писал(а) >>

The terminal alone eats up at least 250mb.

You are more than an order of magnitude wrong.

Sorry lamer, I'll cut in with some side advice: maybe put the MT on a second, non-system drive?
to zxc: kudos!