Avalanche - page 139

Galina >>:
Ваш расчет неверен.
Это уже обсуждали в самом начеле этой ветки.
Это уже не ловина.
Посмотрите первые 5 страниц этой темы.


0.1 / 0.2

(0.1 + 0.3) / 0.2

0.4 / (0.2 + 0.6)

(0.4 + 0.12) / 0.8...

Galina >>:

Да ничего.

Hello Galina
I've been wanting to ask you for a long time.
I want to ask you why? Why are you doing this?
And in every one of your posts
for months now, you've been systematically showing us your tongue.
What is the meaning of this little pink piece of flesh?
JonKatana >>:

Думайте, прежде чем что-то писать.

Yesss! You (hee hee) have taken the bait after all! I'm a real troll!

My message is not addressed to you (hee hee), but to rumata1984, and it's not about that issue.

Think before you write anything.

Equity is just another attempt to evade the truth. It has no meaning in real trading.

Moderators, please: under no circumstances encroach on this thread (not counting outright swearing, of course, which should be deleted)! This thread would grace any trader's forum.

JonKatana, thank you very much for surprising me once again.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

We are discussing, exchanging information. Why is everyone here so aggressive? ))

this is a normal question, and what's next, what's the conclusion, pros, cons, what to pay attention to, tweak... here's when the discussion, and what did Galina want to bring to our attention? Apart from what confuses you: Galina wrote(a) >>.
Your calculation is wrong.
This has already been discussed at the very beginning of this thread.
It is no longer a catchall.
Look at the first 5 pages of this thread.

JonKatana >>:
Полностью согласен. Более того - торговля по маржин-колу - один из классических способов, описанный у всех известных авторов. Суть в том, что вы переводите на торговый счет часть депозита - например, 10%. И открываете ордер громадным объемом - до 80% от размера торгового счета. Если цена проходит даже небольшое расстояние в прибыльном направлении - вы фиксируете очень большую прибыль. Затем выводите заработанную часть на внешний счет и продолжаете с начальной ставкой. И так далее. Если цена пойдет против вас - получите маржин-кол, но это будет потеря лишь незначительной части общего (внешнего) депозита. А большая прибыль, снятая несколько раз, с избытком покроет изредка получаемые убытки.

I reread this masterpiece again... I liked it a lot. It's got a twist in every sentence. Talented and brilliant, what else can I say... The writer should be writing parodies like "naked gun", not here... He'd be 100% appreciated there...

I reread it and was amazed once again. Logic is as ironclad as it is incomprehensible to my simple mind...

Suppose... my "outside" deposit is $1,000... I, like a "right" kid, transferred 10% into my trading account... that's $100... and opened at 80%. That's 0.08 lots... that's almost a margin call.
What I don't understand is why my lot... from my 10% is suddenly "huge volume". Or because I have more money in my "external" deposit - my 100 quid is enough to open 10 lots?
And what will be the difference if I immediately keep 1000 dollars on my trading account and open with the same 0.08 lot? Maybe for a margin call, they charge an additional premium - and we are just not told about it?

I do not understand it... Stupid, I guess. Maybe the author of this brilliant idea will explain by an example with numbers?
The more rubbish the topicstarter makes, the more serious suspicions about his "planting" a brokerage company to cloud the brains of newbies... The more rubbish the author has written, the more serious suspicions he has been sent by some brokerage company to brainwash newbies.
Mathemat >>:

Yesss! Вы (хи-хи) все-таки клюнули! Я настоящий тролль!

JonKatana, огромное спасибо, что удивили меня в очередной раз.

The question of equity has come up many times in the thread. I have explained that for Avalanche, and indeed for any real trade, equity is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is free funds. You can withdraw them from the account and open a new order on them. You cannot withdraw the equity until you have closed all the orders. You cannot open an order with the equity. It is nothing.

Please. "He is not the original who imitates no one, but the one whom no one can imitate!"

JonKatana >>:

Вопрос о эквити неоднократно поднимался в теме. Я объяснил, что для "Лавины", да и для любой реальной торговли эквити не имеет никакого значения. Важны лишь свободные средства. Их вы можете вывести со счета, на них можете открыть новый ордер. А эквити вы со счета не выведете, пока не закроете все ордера. И на эквити не откроешь ордер. Это пустышка.

Пожалуйста. "Не тот оригинален, кто никому не подражает, а тот, кому никто не в силах подражать!"

I get it.
You're a forum masochist.
Mischek >>:

Я понял
Вы форумный мазохист


I was wondering what to call it:) but I couldn't think of a definition.
That's right on the money: ))))
JonKatana писал(а) >>

The question of equity has been raised many times in the thread. I have explained that for Avalanche, and indeed for any real trade, equity is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is free funds. You can withdraw them from the account, you can open a new order on them.

You have not considered one small detail: when equity falls below a certain level, there is a margin call, and the next level is a stop-out.
They may be the same, though.