And she doesn't care what she buys them for. if she had bought them later, she would have bought them more profitably
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NiKkel >>:

с удивлением узнал что вся наука на этом построена

а я думал что случайность существует и специально для ее исследования была построена мат статистика и теория вероятности

вы - радикальный детерминист

вы точно знаете когда и где вы умрете?

Yes, all science is built on assumptions, idealisation, axioms, postulates, approximations, modelling, and randomness is one of those approximations.

And as for death, such knowledge is possible, but it has nothing to do with forex.

NiKkel писал(а) >>

a company needs to buy 1,000,000,000 euros. it buys them. after a point in time, the euro exchange rate falls. If she had bought later, she would have bought cheaper and more profitable for herself.

Later the working day is over... and tomorrow the contract is paid and you can get a contract penalty for the 2-3 cents saved... Not everyone is a speculator and someone has to work.
ratnasambhava >>:

Да, вся наука построена на допущениях, идеализации, аксиомах, постулатах, приближениях, моделировании, и случайность это одно из таких приближений.

А что касается смерти, то такое знание возможно, но к Форексу это отношения не имеет.

In regard to forex you can only prove strict determinism in the market in one way - to show the GRAAL of all times and peoples (a no-lose TS). The market according to you is rigidly deterministic, and consequently, it is not random.

I claim that there is a randomness factor in the market, so the GRAAL is not possible for long periods of time.

I have not seen a GRAAL and I have not seen any sign of it, so it does not exist. Consequently, the market is not deterministic and there is a random factor.

Tantrik >>:

Позже рабочий день закончиться... а завтра оплата контракта и за сэкономленные 2-3 цента можно получить штраф по контракту... Не все спекулянты кто то и работать должен.

in this age of internet trading and computer technology, as well as the globalisation of financial markets and the 24/7 operation of the world's financial markets, a lot can be done in a short time.
NiKkel >>:

компании нужно купить 1 000 000 000 евро. она покупает их. через момент времени курс евро падает. Если бы она купила позже - купила бы дешевле и выгоднее для себя.

If she buys them to continue operations in the Eurobazaar, she has lost nothing. If she has lost or gained, she will find out when she has to go back to the dollar. And what the exchange rate will be at that time only granny knows.

Trut >>:

Если она их покупает для продолжения операций на евробазаре, то ничего она не потеряла. Потеряла она или выиграла выяснится, когда надо будет вернуться в доллар. А какой будет курс на тот момент только бабка знает.

Let's do it again, because I'm out of the picture:

a transnational company from the uS needs 000 000 000 euros to buy a company in Germany. She buys it. A second later, the euro falls. The company president gets a call from the chairman of the board and says - fuck you! if you had waited - you would have bought it cheaper and spent less of our hard-earned dollars!

Is that clear?

NiKkel писал(а) >>

In regard to forex you can only prove strict determinism in the market in one way - to show the GRAAL of all times and peoples (a no-lose TS). The market according to you is rigidly deterministic, and therefore it is logical and not random.

I claim that there is a randomness factor in the market, so the GRAAL is not possible for long periods of time.

I have not seen a GRAAL and I have not seen any sign of it, so it does not exist. Consequently, the market is not deterministic and there is a random factor.

There are only 7 major currencies on the market, make a ring out of them will be your grail.
NiKkel писал(а) >>

Let's go again, because I'm out of the picture:

a transnational company from the uS needs 000 000 000 euros to buy a company in Germany. She buys it. A second later, the euro falls. The company president gets a call from the chairman of the board and says - fuck you! if you had waited - you would have bought it cheaper and spent less of our hard-earned dollars!

Is that clear?

And an hour later it's even cheaper... and the accountant had already left.... but there was a traffic jam on the way and she saved the company.
NiKkel >>:

в эпоху расцвета интернет трейдинга и компьютерных технологий а также глобализации финансовых рынков и круглосуточной работы финансовых рынков в мире за позже можно массу дел наделать
And my partner's bank closes at 6pm. And internet banking is in amounts that my partner is not satisfied with. etc.