Crossover courses: how are they formed? - page 6

Night_Sun >>:

Дык, и я о том же. Месячишко наблюдаю за полянкой. ДЦ на демке дают небольшие разрыва, но на реале гонки ноздря в ноздрю. На реале гораздо все жёстче. Проверял. :(

How do you check?


About the synthetic calculations:

Look at the Monitoring-Spread code, it's all laid out and visualised accordingly.

About weights for synthetic trading:

see Trade-Arbitrage code - more complicated than the previous one, but also available.

Both of them consider synthetics in general case.

zhuki >>:
Нашёл такой файл,но правда не могу сказать какой день .Может быть 05.01.10,но не уверен.Разница иногда бывает большой. Уверен на 100% ошибки нет.Попробуйте сами и увидите.

It is not quite clear what the columns mean. Where are the quotes of one DC and the other.

And about trying. I tried it last year. Caught a point or two a day or two. And you've got a bunch of them in half an hour. That's weird.

Night_Sun >>:

Дык, и я о том же. Месячишко наблюдаю за полянкой. ДЦ на демке дают небольшие разрыва, но на реале гонки ноздря в ноздрю. На реале гораздо все жёстче. Проверял. :(

By the way, yes. Forgot about that point. Many DCs are much stricter about the flow of quotes on the real servers compared to the demo.

getch >>:

В приведенном мониторинге читинг, действительно, больше смахивает на "ловлю спайков".

Shit. Started out for good health and ended up catching spikes on the demo. =(

So, did someone make 10k on real accounts? Or was there spike fishing there too?

zhuki >>:

А как Вы проверяете?

It's the same. Here's a look at your spreadsheet file. And my impression is that it is the difference between the rates of 5-digit DCs and not the 4, after the decimal point.
wise >>:

Кстати, да. Забыли про этот момент. Многие ДЦ гораздо строже относятся к потоку котировок на реальных серверах по сравнению с демо.

This moment is one of the most important. The slightest delay and the spread is caught.

Night_Sun >>:

Да так же. Вот посмотрел Ваш файл с таблицей. И у меня сложилось впечатление, что это разница между курсами 5 значных ДЦ, а не 4, после запятой.

Here's the finished cuttings mule.The timing is not right now, but there's a difference.The cuts are done now . Here's that for starters, if you want and don't believe me, I'll catch a bigger one.

Yeah, we'd love to believe that! But it's hard. Experience tells us that there's something wrong here. =)
Lite;EURUSD; 1.4523; 1.4526; -1
FX;EURUSD; 1.4524; 1.4526; 1

How does that count?! It should be -2 in the first line and -3 in the second. That is, there is nothing to catch.