Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 97


Grasn, I drink my tea almost unsweetened, and it's also strong. So the keyboard may only get wet, but it won't get sticky :)


don't you know how traffic lights work? :)

What do you care anyway, you're a colour-blind demo dealer. ;)

Here's a question about storing signals.

I think, if they are packed in non-linear dynamic additive-synergetic systems, to protect them from chaotic and unpredictable change of price of financial assets, and not to allow changing of fractal structure.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Grasn, I drink my tea almost unsweetened, and it's also strong. So the keyboard may only get wet, but it won't get sticky :)

That's very thoughtful :o)

Mathemat >> :

Hey, hello there, afftar! Very good quality noodles, just like Bill Williams. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

No way, it's cheesy and lazy, not from the heart.

From the photo where he was about to write something on a paper on his palm, there are two sheets of paper and both are already filled with small printed text (no other than the service manual from the printer)

ending with the volume of bank's equity (according to the Central Bank reference) (where he is actually listed as deputy chairman) in the amount comparable to the price of a three-share apartment in Moscow


Very nicely written

The results of the analysis of financial instruments are shown graphically by plotting the time value of the financial instrument in the chart using Japanese candlesticks with the daily open, close, minimum and maximum prices for the day, and areas of the financial instrument prices containing expected points of local extrema, calculated using the NRS method.

Is it possible to see at least one candle tomorrow or is it only possible on Monday?

Mischek писал(а) >>

From the photo where he kind of decided to write something on a paper in the palm of his hand, there are two sheets of paper and both are already filled with small printed text (no other than printer's service manuals)

ending with the bank's equity (according to the Central Bank reference) (where he's actually listed as deputy chairman) in the amount comparable to the price of a three-shareholding in Moscow.

I wonder what nickname he uses to sing along with his brother here).

ULAD писал(а) >>

Can't we see just one candle for tomorrow, or is it only possible on Monday?

I have nothing to do with the method described above, moreover, I am not even familiar

I am not even familiar with the details of this analysis. Although I have seen the results, and believe me, they are not inferior to Wave Theory.

After a month of trading based on Wave Theory and Fibo levels I will summarize my results.

During one month on holiday I have doubled my deposit, i.e. I have made 20K from 10K.

Figar0 >> :

I wonder what nickname he uses to sing along to his brother.)

Unlikely, different sites - different pockets - competitors.

I'm sick of them all, 90s thimbles, 2000s street scams, pyramid schemes, selling signals, fucking progress

An investigator came by from the Internal Security Directorate (internal security service). Two policemen swindled a grandparent who was driving to his cottage for driving on the wrong side of the road for 30,000 roubles.

in tears to the IAB.


ULAD писал(а) >>

Here is a question about the storage of signals.

I think so, if they are packaged in non-linear dynamic additive-synergistic systems to protect against chaotic and unpredictable changes in financial asset prices, and to keep the fractal structure from changing.

One more time and slow down...

Mischek писал(а) >>

BORROWNING the hucksters, bollocks.

Yeah, you're absolutely right about that! ;о))))))))
Mischek 03.10.2009 00:17

- просто сейчас выложи инвест!