EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2034

Bocman писал(а) >>

Vaira as you see the further development of the pound - doler.

I have already said everything here, nothing has changed in the forecast
waitra wrote >>

By the way, I found out that the sharp bounce up was due to the purchase of the British company "Arriva"
So there is still a chance of a comeback to the tops, but a small one. If the price takes hold under the balance (i.e. reaches 36 and does not go beyond 38) - that is a signal to continue selling.

When speculators play with the news on Greece - they can adjust further plans.
Yes, when euro mess started - I decided to cover selling on the pound while there was a rush down. As soon as everything settles down - we will see further.

On the Euro-Canadian, who has a guess?

Fri 23.04

- Strong impact
- Medium impact
- Weak impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
05:30 Australia Import price index first quarter - 1.5% QoQ -4.3% QoQ
06:50 Australia Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens speaks
08:50 Japan General manufacturing activity index February -1.3% m/m 3.8% m/m
11:00 USA Statement by FOMC member Donald Cohn
12:00 Germany Ifo Business Climate Index April 98,9 98,1
12:30 UK Preliminary GDP change first quarter 0.4% q/q 0.4% q/q
12:30 UK Services business activity index February 0.6% 3m/3m 0.6% 3m/3m
13:00 Eurozone New industrial orders February 0.9% m/m -1.6% m/m
15:00 Canada Core CPI consumer price index March 0.1% m/m 0.7% m/m
15:00 Canada Consumer Price Index March 0.2% m/m 0.4% m/m
16:30 Canada Core retail sales index February 0.9% m/m 1.8% m/m
16:30 Canada Retail sales February 1.1% m/m 0.7% m/m
16:30 USA Core Durable Goods Orders Index March 0.7% m/m 1.4% m/m
16:30 US Durable goods orders March 0.2% m/m 0.9% m/m
18:00 USA New home sales March 323k 308 ths


Found some interesting Fibonacci ratios in the Euro Pound triangle. As Mr. Neely states, triangles without Fibo ratios simply cannot exist. So...

a = 261.8% d
b = 123.6% c
c = 81% b
d = 38.2% a
e = 50% b
e = 61.8% c

You can check it yourself :)

Alexan >>:

Нашел интересные соотношения Фибоначчи в треугольнике по еврофунту. Как утверждает г-н Нили, треугольники без соотношений Фибо просто не могут существовать. Так вот...

a = 261.8% d
b = 123.6% c
c = 81% b
d = 38.2% a
e = 50% b
e = 61.8% c

Можете сами проверить :)

Sorry for asking... Do you draw all this by hand... or is it some kind of indicator?

rolls well.
avatara >>:
хорошо валит.

I think that now it is better to wait a day or two to let the market decide, and after such a fall to the lows - the indices are useless
i think i am not the only one itching to take a buy on the euromax, but i think it will be a trap :) - Yesterday I finally found the time to watch some news on RBC - everything that was said about Europe - horror, it is so awful - it is like feudal wars between Germany and the whole EU
yurok1987 писал(а) >>

Sorry for asking... >> are you drawing all this by hand... or is this some kind of indicator?

The monowave indicator does. Everything else, of course, is done manually. An indicator that draws Elliott waves has not yet been invented. And the one used here is complete nonsense.
Alexan >>:

Моноволны индикатор делает. Все остальное естественно вручную. Не изобрели еще индикатора, который волны Эллиота рисует. А тот, что здесь используется - полная чушь.

Yes you are absolutely right - utter nonsense and heresy.
I totally agree with you.

Colleagues, do you think it's possible to buy? because it can't go on without a pullback, or is it going to continue to go down?