EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1897

strangerr >>:

Нетерпеливые уже опять на 3301 взяли и в бу поставили.)))


Great, I was a little slow on the uptake.

nurbekwww писал(а) >>

eur usd 1.3320 buy just opened . who has an opinion?

30 and 41 points are shining for him and there may be reversals there - butterfly on M15
They'll tell us that Greece has everything (even bird's milk).
well we are going to finish 3
NikT_58 >>:
Щас нам скажут, что в Греции все есть (даже птичье молоко).

And as always, the mega anonymous Ozi investor did not believe it and sold the market in the opposite direction, but did not believe it because he could not read English and was not aware of the big news :))

It's all more like a big divorce)))
NikT_58 >>:

Ее сейчас нетерпеливые при первом щелчке брать будут

As if all the subjective and objective were overdue. Waiting for Aurora at 8pm. Or when Ms Galina says 'short'. Mona will bash.
Impatient with 3301 locking?

Looks like it's okay to get battered and not to pussyfoot. As long as Galina can't hear. Galina, hello?

RekkeR >>:

Как бы все субьективные и обьективные назрели. Ждем Аврору в 20.00. Или когда г-жа Галина скажет "шорт". МонА будет баить.
Нетерпеливые с 3301 локируют?

second sl by boo.

I think I'll be in the boo as well: