EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1573

Galina писал(а) >>
Where will it go now?
Will it go down again?
Will it go back to testing 1.3480 ?
Damn !!!
Anger is not enough !

we finished the second wave at m15 and started the third at 1.3470
forte928 >>:

у нас закончилась вторая волна на м15 и началась третья 1.3470

So it's now at 1.3470 ?
And then a bounce on your marking?
FORTE,...what do you say...
my stopper is very close....
I'm still for my scenario....
Bounced from red resistance for the second time today....
And the daily chart draws lower...
At 1.3450, it'll bounce of course..... but ..... But from green resistance 1.2950 - 1.3350 may fly to 1.3700....

Galina писал(а) >>

So now at 1.3470 ?
And then the bounce will be on your markup ?
FORTE,...what do you say...
my stopper is very close....

this is my view

forte928 >>:

это мое виденье

Anyway, it doesn't seem to make any difference to me....
To get out now or to still be in this swamp.....

possible third wave move to 1.3445

Galina >>:

Короче, по ходу осой разницы мне нет....
Сейчас выйти или еще в этом болоте куковать.....

As soon as you close, Galina, we'll take off.))
strangerr >>:

Как только вы,Галина, закроетесь, так мы и взлетим.)))

very possibly.....
the news is out FOR the US ... Let's see the reaction ...
yep :))))
And the eurik is up :))