EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1248


Hi all! Alexan, it seems to be more like KDT (it's easier to write everything in threes :)), so we'll go with the bears for 32=))

strangerr писал(а) >>

I'm just out, you asked me yesterday what will happen to the euro.>> ))))

You'll embarrass the lady.

Would you like to look at the euro pound? On the days.

strangerr >>:

Я просто в ауте, ты же вчера спрашивала о том, что будет с евро.))))

So? Today your predictions and indicators are coming true! me!
Necron >>:

Привет всем! Alexan, кажется больше все-таки похоже на КДТ(там проще расписать все тройками:)), значит пойдем с медведями на 32=))

And stopped clearly at 23.6 from the 3rd:))

Alexan >>:

Засмущаете дэушку

К еврофунту не желаете присмотреться? На дневках.

You'd think...

I'm not a shy one, naive...
Necron писал(а) >>

Hi all! Alexan, it seems to be more like KTD (it's easier to write it in threes :)), so let's go with the bears for 32=))

I would agree with you, but the drop after KTD should be sharp.

Alexan >>:

Засмущаете дэушку

К еврофунту не желаете присмотреться? На дневках.

The pound is also drawing a second wave to the 1.49 area. Sorry, looked at the poundbucks.
Eva писал(а) >>

You'd think...

I'm not a shy one, naive...

Now I'm embarrassed.


Eaaood. Today perhaps one of Mr Galina's dreams will begin to come true. And ours in part.

Who has a guess on EURGPB - where will it go? downwards upwards?