EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1213

Seems to have bounced back a bit from 4940, a good sign for a renewal of the lows, at least today

By the way, euroausi gives a THIRD chance to buy (for those who didn't make it to the steam train)

Galya, have your expectations changed? You're not going to buy again? I added a little at 1.50000... Let's go for a walk... We'll fly, so with music.

It looks like the formation of the double bottom or the working out of the Dragon (the second leg).

Galina >>:

Полностью с этим прогнозом согласна.


so does the euro then have a chance of breaking through1.3440?

basile писал(а) >>

so does the euro then have a chance of breaking through 1.3440?

Yes, it does.

And not a bad one.

But until it does, I'll sit in it.

>> And the euur aud at 1.4977 is running away.


Good afternoon, dear gentlemen.

I am new to trading, can you tell me what is the high today?

Galina >>:


И неплохие.

НО я пока не пробьет сидеть в ней бу.

А евра ауд на 1.4977 сбегает.

I see Galina you have a change of heart about 1.46 on the eu?)))

Mr.Boba >>:

Добрый день, уважаемые господа.

Я новичок в трейдинге, скажите на какую высоту сегодня сходим? по евро-дол.

If someone had known exactly where they were going 100%, they would not be sitting at their computer right now, but pissing their feet in the atlantic........

basile писал(а) >>

I see Galina you have a change of heart about 1.46 on the eu?)))

It's really fucked up!!!

Now everything is definitely not according to plan....

But there is still time till Friday, if it holds, everything is OK.

But man... Today it really has good chances to close the daily candle below my level (1.3470).

Then it will have to exit with a bang.....

Galina >>:

Да вообще пи...ц !!!

Сейчас все точно не по плану....

Но до пятницы время есть еще, если она устоит, все нормально.

Но блин ... сегодня у нее и правда неплохие шансы есть закрыть дневную свечу под моим уровнем (1.3470).

Тогда выходить с треском придется.....

because you already have a whole group of bulls on the eu here...... but I would like to see 1.38 to settle in nicely)))))))

basile писал(а) >>

because you've already got a whole group of yen bulls here...... but I'd like to see 1.38 to settle in nicely)))))))

Nah, I'm out of here till tonight.

I'm gonna go for a walk, do some shopping, spend some money :)

It's better than sitting here and freaking out :))))

I need to see the daylight candle anyway and it will only form at night :)

So poka nan, see you tonight :)))