Testing real-time forecasting systems - page 62

grasn писал(а) >>

How are we supposed to fight after that? You're right, it's the best place for a bucket. Wear it, plus it makes you look more masculine...


You could swear at Valuev.

Helex >> :

You could swear at Valuev.

He could crumple it or scratch a nasty word on the surface of his choice from those you tell him. But if you do, I recommend packing other organs as well. I believe this will help avoid a lot of damage.

grasn >> :

It's a little bit different. It's about choosing different levels of entropy at different times as a likelihood criterion, rather than the maximum value all the time. These levels can be found by experience (or by the same way to understand that they do not exist), from the assumption of correlation of news frequencies (perhaps additionally introducing clustering by news types/categories)

PS: I don't use indicators for some years and no indicators at all.

I think you're going straight to tick chart research, only they will reveal the true entropy picture to you, as any further processing distorts the essence of what you're looking for.

PS: Indicators include any calculation system which brings something new to the quotes (whether indicators, scripts, experts, external DLLs, or programs like ELWAVE, Neuroshel, MathCad, MathLab).

grasn писал(а) >>

He may crumple it or scratch a nasty word on the surface of his choice of which you tell him to do so. But if you do, I recommend packing the other organs as well. I suppose this will help avoid a lot of damage.

I always ride out of the manor on horseback... with a bucket on my head.

Urain >> :

PS: Indicators include any calculation system that brings something new to the quotes (whether indicators, scripts, experts, external DLLs, or programs such as ELWAVE, Neuroshel, MathCad, MathLab).

Well, then let's add MQL4 and MS Excel 2007. Maybe, grasn still meant the standard indicators the codes of which are included into MT4.


to Urain

Думаю вам прямая дорога к исследованию тиковых графиков, только они вам раскроют истинную картину энтропии, так как любые последующие обработки искажают суть того что вы ищите.

That's what you categorically must not do.

PS: any calculation system, which brings something new to the quotes (whether indicators, scripts, Expert Advisors, external DLLs, or programs like ELWAVE, Neuroshel, MathCad, MathLab) belongs to indicators.

You have a wide view, it's very convenient.

to Helex

I always ride out of the manor on horseback.

That's very good. Then don't get off anywhere, it makes me feel safer ...

Mathemat >> :

Well, then let's add MQL4 and MS Excel 2007. I think grasn was talking about standard indicators, the codes of which are included into MT4 package.

I meant the whole TA :o) I've forgotten how to draw lines, triangles, ovals etc. Especially I can't understand such constructions.

grasn >> :

to Urain

That's what you categorically must not do.

You have a wide view, it's very convenient.

I don't know about categorical, but I know that no worthwhile calculation can be done at this level of processor development.

A serious tick calculation will take longer than the forecast section to change. That is a dead end.


Алексей не цепляйтесь к словам, вы прекрасно поняли о чём я.

Of course, I get it.

By the way, I don't like traditional turntables myself lately. To be more precise, not them, but the traditional ways of using them.

grasn >> :

to Urain

>> that's what you mustn't do.

Why indeed? There is nothing but them.

In general, your research is encouraging and admirable!