[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 652



The Russian family as seen by the American family

- Honey, I'm home!
- Why so late?
- A bear dislocated his leg on the way - I had to pamper him with vodka.
- Everybody sit down! Let's have some vodka.
- Mum, I'll go play with the bear.
- All right, but have some vodka first.
- Where's our grandpa?

- He's been in line for two weeks for vouchers.

- Good thing he drank some vodka before that. And you don't sit idly by, go have a drink of vodka too.
- Well, go for a walk, son, and don't forget to write your report to the KGB tonight! And don't forget to buy some vodka on the way home - it's running out.
- Darling, it's hot. Turn off the atomic reactor, please.
- I'll finish my vodka and turn it off, while you play the balalaika.
Just an old joke:

A man returns home after a walk with his dog:
- I don't know what happened to our dog," he tells his wife.
- All the way back he was tearing and whimpering, as if he wanted to say something.
The wife comes out into the hallway, looks at the dog and says:
- He wanted to say he's a stranger's dog.


a story in a minibus

There are two grandmothers on the front seats. The bus is almost full. At the bus stop, a guy walks in. He gives the driver 10 roubles for the fare and gets change - 1 rouble. The rouble slips out of his hands and falls under the seats of the grannies. The lad bends over, tries to find the change and, unexpectedly, farts. There's quiet laughter, giggling in the minibus. One of the grannies says to the other: "You shouldn't have busted your ass for a ruble!" The minibus explodes with laughter. The guy turns crimson and asks the bus to stop.

After a minute, a respectable lady enters the minibus. The shuttle continues to laugh. The lady begins to nervously examine herself. Maybe they are laughing at her. Then grannies, rolling with laughter, start telling the lady the story about the rouble. The lady also starts laughing and then a goat flies out of her nose and hits the grannies.... The lady asks him to stop the bus.

We drive on, rolling with laughter. The driver laughs together with everybody else, takes out his cigarettes, lights up, opens the hatch above his head. The driver, realizing what he just said, falls out of the cab dancin' and laughin'.

The same shuttle 20 minutes later. A bus with the last stop "Sakharny village". Everyone is seated, the seats are taken... The driver started the car... A grandmother opens the door... And immediately asks the driver:

"Honey, are you on the end of Sugar?". A slight chuckle passed through the minibus... The driver didn't take long to reply, "I don't know, I haven't tried it!". There was open laughter all over the minibus! The old woman looked around with a hawkish look and realised that there were no vacant seats... ...and handing the 10p to the driver. To the driver, she said: "Take me standing up!" The driver falls out of the cab into a snowdrift and shakes in a hysterical fit.

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Workplace clips seem to be in vogue now:

And are even getting appreciation from the authorities:



Video can still be embedded :)

Click the "Submit" button on YouTube, then the "Embed" button and check the "Use old embed code" box to get the "object" tag

So I did the same thing, only by you ))))

Workplace clips seem to be in vogue now:

And are even getting appreciation from the authorities:


The last video is just a free circus.

nose, you say, eyes?! )