How to connect to the MOEX demo - page 9

So nothing works on MQ Demo except forex (FORTS, Shares, Binance - charts stand, no quotes)?

The same thing with the charts and quotes on the demo account.

I opened a demo account through MetaQuotes: I specified the server MetaQuotes-Demo and the account type MOEX Demo Delayed when I opened it (only this type was suitable from the list, because I wanted to get access to the stock market on MB, namely, shares). I did NOT check the box "Use of hedging when trading".

Thequotes of Moscow Stock Exchange are not going. And, if, for example, quotes of Sberbank shares last loaded somewhere from 07.02.2020, the shares of Tatneft-p (preferred) - the last date of quotation 17.09.2020.

I also loaded the quotes in the menu - symbols...- and during the working day and trading - nothing has changed. Also I deleted historical quotes in History folders (both on the C drive and in User\App Data...) and uploaded via MT5 application via menu (as described) again. Nothing helped.

Как подключиться к демо MOEX
Как подключиться к демо MOEX
  • 2020.04.20
Инструкция в картинках, как подключиться в демо-MOEX на торговом сервере MetaQuotes-Demo: 1. Меню "Файл" - "Открыть счёт ..." 2...

At the same time, the moex (MB) site displays the latest stock quotes of these companies (if the terminal downloads quotes from the Moscow Exchange site).

In MT5 - symbols-specification menu - I loaded M1 (singles) bars and others too (with grief )) ) And ticks and dates set exact, it does not help and does not work.

And in the menu - symbols - specification - the symbol, for example, SBER - in the attached screenshot "SBER-symbol" if you click on this inscription, then you get to the site of the Moscow Stock Exchange (moex...) and all the latest quotes are there.

MetaQuotes developers write on the resources in responses to users that the quotes are downloaded real from the Exchange, but with a delay of 15min, not even from the Exchange test servers.

How does this correspond to reality given what I described above?

MT5 is accredited for trading by Exchange! And in the demo it is unrealistic even to check my analysis and I need all the quotes and fresh and deep history.

I wonder how could the demo be so laggy and yet MT5 is accredited to MB? (yes, it's not a workbook, but still). They do not have any idea what to do with it.

I attach screenshots of SBER last quote from 02/07/1920 and TATN last quote from 09/20/1970.

Does this problem have a solution or not?

And - yes, the application has been updated - the latest one is dated 20.04.2020. - Still the same problems.

There is this problem on the forum - it has been popping up for everyone since 2016 or something like that.

P.s. The images in the text is not inserted nor drag nor CTRL + V.

Tried to write through the link with them too - it didn't even show up that de my message was sent, after the send button - again blank form.

I couldn't find any feedback on the website at all. The only way to contact MetaQuotes is to call them in Cyprus )) or any other country - their phone numbers are available for a chat.

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Акции: новости и аналитика фондовых рынков - Блоги трейдеров и аналитика финансовых рынков
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