Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 29

Andrey Dik:

It was a joke.

Those who live honestly have nothing to hide. All the cries for privacy are just a cover for unlawful behaviour in society.

In today's world of information dominance, privacy has no bearing on the further development of humanity. However, there is a nuance - the state must also be transparent in its schemes and decisions, otherwise the benefits envisioned by the Yarovaya Package will not be realized.

This phrase is particularly good:"otherwise you will not get the benefits that were intended by the Yarovaya Package".


The main thing is not to stop!

The crowd is reading the thread and laughing their heads off.


A cheap VPN provider left Russia, referring to "Yarovaya Law". Private Internet Access, a company providing services to protect Internet traffic with the help of VPN technology, announced the day before that it had ceased its operations in Russia. The VPN provider explained the decision by the fact that a number of servers were "probably" seized by the authorities.

Дешевый VPN-провайдер ушел из России, сославшись на "закон Яровой"
Дешевый VPN-провайдер ушел из России, сославшись на "закон Яровой"
Компания Private Internet Access, предоставляющая услуги защиты интернет-трафика с помощью технологии VPN, объявила накануне о прекращении деятельности на территории России. VPN-провайдер объяснил решение тем, что ряд серверов “вероятно”, захвачены властями. По версии компании, это произошло “без уведомления и какого-либо соблюдения процедур” в...

this phrase is particularly good:"otherwise you won't get the benefits that the Yarovaya package was intended to bring".

Yes, I wanted to put it in bold, but I changed my mind, because people here are not ignorant, they will understand.

<But with Putin's arrival, there are new smartphones and tablets that never existed before, and ordinary computers are several times faster.

Honestly (or, as they say now, "honestly"), a week or a month before the union collapsed, could you have predicted that it would fall apart?

What are you trying to say? That we cannot know if Russia will fall apart in a week or a month? As long as Putin is in power I am sure it will not collapse. But if the liberals come to power, there are no guarantees, we could turn into a second Ukraine.
Alexey Navoykov:

You are really so zombified by this Starikov that you justify his blatant lies. He is lying specifically that the law allegedly does not say anything about data storage, saying that the operators invented it all. Allegedly the law says only about users' requests. Open your eyes at last. And as for "possibility" - what are you talking about? The law clearly says - must.

Read it.

After the word "must".

Paragraph 1 without any qualifications. Effective and not subject to change by anyone.

Clause 2, at the end there's a clause

The procedure, terms and extent of storage of the information referred to in this subparagraph shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.";

This is exactly what it means: MUST, if the government establishes it. That is, the law provides the WHOLE OPPORTUNITY to the government.

I am sure I am reading the law correctly.

What do you mean by that? That we cannot know if Russia will fall apart in a week or a month? As long as Putin is in power, I'm sure it won't fall apart. But if liberals come to power, there are no guarantees, we could turn into a second Ukraine.
Can you at least leave Ukraine alone when discussing your problems?
Vladimir Zubov:
Can you at least leave Ukraine out of it when discussing your problems?

They can't. This is zoology.

And they have no problems by definition - only Ukraine has problems.


You only have to listen or read a little to see what a liar he is.

and his so-called books are pathetic pamphlets made up to suit a particular agenda.

Those are words.

So far, so good. You tried to refute what Starikov said, in my opinion unsuccessfully. I made a conclusion for myself that there is no need to double-check Starikov.

And for me it is very important to separate the wheat from the chaff. If I once caught him in a deliberate lie (not a delusion), I am banned forever. It's impossible to do otherwise in the internet.

What do you mean by that? That we cannot know if Russia will fall apart in a week or a month? As long as Putin is in power, I'm sure it won't fall apart. But if the liberals come to power, there are no guarantees, we could turn into a second Ukraine.
You are too categorical and it is clear that you do not have all the information. Read for how long we have enough money in the reserve fund, which is now being actively spent left and right. And read the opinion of not just anybody but our Finance Minister. Demura was saying that the next target for oil is $12. And if he is right?