Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 10

Yuriy Zaytsev:

When they start these conversations, the first question is why the hell are they living better?

The second question is with facts!

Number of Nobel laureates 338 vs 22

QUESTION, who is dumber?

Of course the holy pindos are the smartest. That's where Obamka got his peace prize.

And Gorbachev too.

Something, Yura, I don't understand your message.

Well, what if we start to sort out not the citizenship, but the belonging to this or that nationality, nationality?

You can go too far in stupidity like that. Even respected American pundits talk about the stupidity of Americans themselves - outsiders do everything for them. I have no desire to search for references.

Artyom Trishkin:

Of course the sainted pindos are the smartest. There goes the Obamka Peace Prize.

Who has started more than one war....
Alexandr Saprykin:
Who has started more than one war....
The US believes that it is not they who start the wars, but they are dragged into them. At least they don't deny that they are unique in the scale of violence among developed countries.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

When they start these conversations, the first question is why the hell are they living better than us?

The second question is a factual one!

In all history the number of Nobel Prize winners in the USA is 338 against 22 in Russia

QUESTION 2, who is dumber?

Or should we admit that the Russians are 15.36 times dumber on average?

They are definitely the dumber ones.

Try living worse and working on outdated (one can even say ancient) equipment and get a Nobel Prize.

I remember at my wife's institute they made pipettes with pipette dispensers - just the top of the range)). The domestic industry did not produce anything like that at all.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Dumber by far they are.

Try living worse and working on outdated (one might even say ancient) equipment to nail down a Nobel Prize.

I remember my wife at the institute got pipettes with dispensers - just the top of perfection.)). Domestic industry did not produce anything like that at all.

The story comes to mind :)))

A friend of mine, Denis, went to university in Tomsk a long time ago. They had Bill there as an exchange student from America. They took him on a rafting trip on a river, I don't remember which one, and it didn't matter. They were rafting down the river in the morning. Denis gives Bill a bucket and asks him to scoop up some water. Beale opens his knapsack, takes out a pump, dips one end into water, and the other into the bucket and starts to suck out something from it drop by drop... Denis, when he saw it, was dumbfounded. He says, "Bill, are you out of your mind? Takes the bucket and scoops up the water. Beale sits on his arse: Is that possible? - Beale wonders, and goes into a half-day of brooding...

So much for pipettes... :))))))))))))))

Yuriy Zaytsev:

When they start these conversations, the first question is why the hell are they living better than us?

The second question is a factual one!

There are 338 Nobel laureates in the United States vs. 22 in Russia.

QUESTION 2, who is dumber?

Or should we admit that the Russians are on average 15.36 times dumber...

The country

Nobel PrizesTotal
in physicsin chemistryMedicine and
literatureof the worldeconomics
United Kingdom23273011127110
Russia / USSR / Russian Empire12124*2122

The Nobel is not a sign of intelligence but a sign of recognition. And it's amazing that they acknowledge merit outside the confines of their coalition. I wonder how many of these people don't speak English.

And they live better because they are meaner. Where would they be without Nikalay's gold? Where would they have been if the Germans had won World War II? And where would they have been when they were attacked by Japan who smashed their defenses overnight. And the German, Jewish Einstein, wouldn't have gone to America and wandered off with an atomic bomb. Where were they, after the '93 putsch, when Gorbach and Yeltsin were taking the gold out, to their financial markets. They would have been nowhere, a long time ago. Only meanness and our stupidity gives them a chance to survive.

If they were smart, they would behave more modestly


I partly guessed and understood almost everything, but it is the "German Jew Einstein" who "went to America and invented the atomic bomb" that really bothers me ....

Who is this "Einstein" who "invented" the atomic bomb?

I partly guessed and understood almost everything, but it's the "German Jew Einstein" who "went to America and invented the atomic bomb" that really bothers me ....
What's bothering you?
Alexey Busygin:
Why bother?
Who is this "Einstein"?
Who is this "Einstein"?
What can't Google find out?