Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 8

Alexey Busygin:
Okay, but what if there's a better quality Santa Barbora, that's a lot of downloading
♪ in 4K quality ♪
Alexander Bereznyak:
in 4K quality
At least just in HD, but then you can also transfer 4K
real spy saboteurs and true dissidents use steganography

Watching Isayev's show here, he used a newspaper ad with a conditional text. By the way, the article on under-reporting on 15 counts will be renewed again. Who is young, in the USSR there was an article on under-reporting, then it was removed. And then there is a dilemma.

For example, I hear a drunken bum in the metro saying that I'm going to b*** you all. Should I immediately call and report it? Who knows, there's some chance he's not lying. Well, the example is a bit far-fetched, but nevertheless, let's imagine this situation.

If he did it and I didn't report it, I could get 1 year.

And now let's pretend that everyone started acting on this article. Can you imagine the flurry of calls to the authorities? Especially from the grandmothers and the mentally deranged. How will they handle this tsunami?

No, as the FSB general correctly said on the show, the most effective thing is a well-developed network of agents.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So, you can go on watching porn, no one will know about it))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

That's what we've all been worried about! Phewh... Relieved, I think, of many people's worries.

If they introduce it in full scale, the authorities will have no business, not only with porn, but also with criminal procedure. Or we'll have to bring in half the country. How many percentages were there under Stalin?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Watching Isayev's show here, he used a newspaper ad with a conditional text. By the way, the article on under-reporting on 15 counts will be renewed again. Who is young, in the USSR there was an article on under-reporting, then it was removed. And then there is a dilemma.

For example, I hear a drunken bum in the metro saying that I'm going to b*** you all. Should I immediately call and report it? Who knows, there's some chance he's not lying. Well, the example is a bit far-fetched, but nevertheless, let's imagine this situation.

If he did it and I didn't report it, I could get 1 year.

And now let's pretend everyone's acting on this article. Can you imagine the flurry of calls to the authorities? Especially from the grandmothers and the mentally deranged. How will they handle this tsunami?

No, as the FSB general correctly said in the show, the most effective thing is a developed network of agents.

There's a subtle point here: the intent to commit a crime is not the crime itself.

so there may be cases where someone foolishly snitched, for example, when he heard the word "detonator" in a conversation

(and there's no telling what it could be used for, not necessarily a terrorist attack)

The funny thing is, the perpetrator might change his mind as the play progresses and there's already a message.

it turns out the matrix, condemnation is not for the fact, but for his thoughts/intentions

although you probably need a lawyer to prove the corpus delicti

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Dmitry Fedoseev:
If this is introduced on a full scale, the authorities won't even care about porn, not just about criminal offences. Or they'll have to take half the country into the organs. How many percentages were there under Stalin?

In America, there is a CALEA law that gives the right to listen, monitor and record, but as far as I understood, the law does not apply to all but selectively for specific purposes, and the money was taken from the state budget...

In Russia we are building wiretaps at our own expense, cynicism...

(however it may turn out otherwise, who knows)...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

How will they handle this tsunami?

And there will probably be people who will poke fun at the Chekists like this

like this: there are suspicious people in my doorway, there is a suspicious car in the yard, etc.


The US has a CALEA law which gives the right to listen, monitor and record, but as far as I understand, it is not total but selective for specific purposes and the money was taken from the state budget...

In Russia we are building wiretaps at our own expense, cynicism...

Cynicism... (it all could turn out differently though, who knows).

No one is going to jail for this intention, it's for closer attention to the potential threat.

"and in Russia we build wiretaps on our own dime, cynicism..."

And in America, it's on whose dime. Do they have another country paying for internal and external security.

In general, I would like to introduce life-threatening sentences both online and in real life, because phrases like "I fucked your whole family" and so on are like spitting.


The US has a CALEA law which gives the right to listen, monitor and record, but as far as I understand, it is not total but selective for specific purposes and the money was taken from the state budget...

In Russia we are building wiretaps at our own expense, cynicism...

(but it may turn out differently, who knows)

There is a film called "Enemy of the State" that covers the subject of wiretaps and the like in america very well

Eight pages of fear. I'm blown away ...

You gentlemen (oops, comrades ... shh-shh-shh) should write thrillers about totalitarianism - you'll get rich...
