FORTS: To help beginners


Good afternoon!

Here I will post recommendations, bugs, features and frequently used functions on the FORTS futures market

IMPORTANT: In order not to "stretch" the topic, if there are any comments,

or have questions - create a separate topic in this section (I will not answer here).

Recommendation :

The MQL5 standard library is "sharpened" for the FOREX market, so for

developments of experts for FORTS I recommend to write everything yourself.

Frequently used and useful features:

The function of checking the trading parameters of the broker's server.

In this function, it is necessary to check those parameters that

You will use in your advisor. Here is an example:

(use ONLY in OnInit() )

//| Expert Check Market Parameters function                          |
bool CheckMarketParam( const string a_symbol )
//--- Check for full mode
   ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE trade_mode = ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE ( SymbolInfoInteger ( a_symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE ) );
   if ( trade_mode != SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE_FULL )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает полную торговлю!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
//--- Check trade execution mode
   if ( market_info != SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION_EXCHANGE )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает TRADE EXECUTION EXCHANGE режим!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
//--- Check orders mode
   int order_mode = int ( SymbolInfoInteger ( a_symbol, SYMBOL_ORDER_MODE ) );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_ORDER_MARKET & order_mode )!= SYMBOL_ORDER_MARKET )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Market Execution режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_ORDER_LIMIT & order_mode )!= SYMBOL_ORDER_LIMIT )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Limit режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Stop Limit режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_ORDER_STOP & order_mode )!= SYMBOL_ORDER_STOP )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Stop режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_ORDER_SL & order_mode) != SYMBOL_ORDER_SL )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Stop Loss режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_ORDER_TP & order_mode) != SYMBOL_ORDER_TP )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает Take Profit режим установки ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
//---Filing mode
   int filling_mode = int ( SymbolInfoInteger ( a_symbol, SYMBOL_FILLING_MODE ) );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_FILLING_IOC & filling_mode ) != SYMBOL_FILLING_IOC )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает filling IOC режим исполнения ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   if ( ( SYMBOL_FILLING_FOK & filling_mode ) != SYMBOL_FILLING_FOK )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает filling FOK режим исполнения ордеров!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
//---Ckeck expiration
   int symbol_exp_type = int ( SymbolInfoInteger ( a_symbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_MODE ) );
   if ( ( symbol_exp_type & SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_DAY ) != SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_DAY )
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает экспирацию DAY!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
     MessageBox ( "Символ " + a_symbol + " не поддерживает экспирацию SPECIFIED DAY!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
     return ( false );
   return ( true );

Usage example:

 int OnInit ()
   if ( !CheckMarketParam( _Symbol ) ) return ( INIT_FAILED );
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );

Getting the number of days left until the expiration of the instrument:

 #define YEAR           365

int GetExpiration( const string aSymbol )
   MqlDateTime ExpData, CurData;
   datetime exp_time = datetime ( SymbolInfoInteger ( aSymbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME ) );
   TimeToStruct ( exp_time, ExpData );
   TimeTradeServer ( CurData );
   if ( ExpData.year != CurData.year )
     return ( YEAR * ( ExpData.year - CurData.year ) - CurData.day_of_year + ExpData.day_of_year );
     return ( ExpData.day_of_year - CurData.day_of_year );

Getting the "net" position price, excluding clearings:

//| Expert Get position price function                               |
double GetPositionPrice( const string aSymbol )
   double price_in = 0 ;
   double volume_in = 0 ;
   double price_out = 0 ;
   double volume_out = 0 ;
   double price = 0 ;
   double volume = 0 ;
   if ( PositionSelect ( aSymbol ) )
     ulong pos_id = ulong ( PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_IDENTIFIER ) );
     if ( pos_id > 0 )
       if ( HistorySelectByPosition ( pos_id ) )
         int deals = HistoryDealsTotal ();
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < deals; i++ )
           ulong deal_ticket = HistoryDealGetTicket ( i );
           ulong order_ticket = ulong ( HistoryDealGetInteger ( deal_ticket, DEAL_ORDER ) );
           if ( order_ticket > 0 )
             ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY deal_entry = ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY ( HistoryDealGetInteger ( deal_ticket, DEAL_ENTRY ) );
             if ( deal_entry == DEAL_ENTRY_IN )
              price = HistoryDealGetDouble ( deal_ticket, DEAL_PRICE );
              volume = HistoryDealGetDouble ( deal_ticket, DEAL_VOLUME );
              price_in += price * volume;
              volume_in += volume;  
             if ( deal_entry == DEAL_ENTRY_OUT )
              price = HistoryDealGetDouble ( deal_ticket, DEAL_PRICE );
              volume = HistoryDealGetDouble ( deal_ticket, DEAL_VOLUME );
              price_out += price * volume;
              volume_out += volume;  
         if ( volume_out > 0 )
           if ( volume_in > 0 ) { price_in = price_in / volume_in; } else return ( 0 );
          price_out = price_out / volume_out;
          price = ( price_in - price_out ) * ( volume_in - volume_out );
           if ( volume_in > 0 ) { price = price_in / volume_in; } else return ( 0 );
         return ( NormalizeDouble ( price, _Digits ) );
         Print ( "GetPositionPrice: Невозможно получить историю позиции по символу " , aSymbol );
       Print ( "GetPositionPrice: Невозможно определить идентификатор позиции по символу " , aSymbol );
   return ( 0 );

Creating a global terminal variable for counting transactions:

( Use ONLY in OnInit() )

   if ( ! GlobalVariableCheck ( "trans_count" ) )
     datetime a_time = GlobalVariableSet ( "trans_count" , 0 );
     if ( ulong ( a_time ) == 0 )
       MessageBox ( "Глобальная переменная терминала 'Счётчик транзакций' не создана!" , "Ошибка" , MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
       return ( INIT_FAILED );

Protected write to the global variable of the terminal (transaction counter):

//| Expert Set transaction count function                            |
void SetTransCount( const bool up_down )
   double tr_count;
   uint i = 0 ;
     if ( GlobalVariableGet ( "trans_count" , tr_count ) )
       if ( up_down )
         if ( GlobalVariableSetOnCondition ( "trans_count" , tr_count + 1 , tr_count ) )
          i = 100 ;
         if ( GlobalVariableSetOnCondition ( "trans_count" , tr_count - 1 , tr_count ) )
          i = 100 ;
   while ( i < 100 );

If the parameter up_down = true, then we increase the global variable of the terminal,

and vice versa.

Checking funds with automatic reduction of the volume, in case of shortage of money:

 //| Expert Check money function                                      |
bool CheckMoney( long &volume )
   if ( volume <= 0 ) return ( false );
   double symbol_go = SymbolInfoDouble ( _Symbol , SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL );
   double free_margin = ( AccountInfoDouble ( ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN ) / 100 ) * 90 ; //90% от свободных средств
   double real_go = NormalizeDouble ( symbol_go * volume, 2 );
   if ( real_go <= free_margin )
     return ( true );
     while ( real_go > free_margin )
       if ( volume <= 0 )
         Print ( "CheckMoney: Не хватает средств!" );
         return ( false );
      real_go = NormalizeDouble ( symbol_go * volume, 2 );
     return ( true );
   Print ( "CheckMoney: Не хватает средств!" ); 
   return ( false );

Placing a market / limit order with the OrderSend() command

if price = ''0" - market order:

//| Expert set order function                                        |
void SetOrder( const string aSymbol, ulong &ticket, const double price, const double volume, const bool buy_sell )
   MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
  ticket = 0 ;
//--- Fill structure
  request.magic = 1234567890 ;
  request.symbol = aSymbol;
  request.volume = volume; 
  request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_IOC ;
  request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
   if ( price == 0 )
    request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ;
    request.comment = "Рыночный ордер..." ;
     if ( buy_sell )
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY ;
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL ;
    request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING ;
    request.price = price;
    request.comment = "Лимитный ордер..." ;
     if (buy_sell)
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT ;
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT ;
//--- Send order
   if ( OrderSend ( request, result ) )
     if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) 
      ticket = result.order;
       Print ( "SeOrder: Установка ордера не выполнена! " , aSymbol );
     Print ( "SeOrder: Ордер не отправлен! " , aSymbol );

Deleting an order with the OrderSend() command

 void RemoveOrder( ulong & ord_ticket )
   if ( ord_ticket >   0 )
     if ( OrderSelect ( ord_ticket ) )
       MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
       MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE ;
      request.order  = ord_ticket;
       if ( OrderSend ( request, result ) )
         if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED )
          ord_ticket = result.order;
           Print ( "RemoveOrder: Удаление старого ордера не выполнено! Билет = " , ord_ticket );
         Print ( "RemoveOrder: Ордер не отослан! Билет = " , ord_ticket );

Placing a pending order with the OrderSend() command

//| Place order                                                      |
void PlaceOrder( const string aSymbol, ulong & ticket, const double price, const double volume, const bool buy_sell )
   MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
  ticket = 0 ;
//--- Fill structure
  request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING ;
  request.magic  = 1234567890 ;
  request.symbol = aSymbol;
  request.volume = volume;
  request.price  = price;
   if ( buy_sell )
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT ;
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT ;
  request.comment = "Отложенный ордер..." ;      
  request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_RETURN ;
  request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
//--- Send order
   if ( OrderSend ( request, result ) )
     if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) 
      ticket = result.order;
       Print ( "PlaceOrder: Ордер не установлен!" );
     Print ( "PlaceOrder: Ордер не отослан! " );

Modifying a pending order with the OrderSend() command

// Modify order                                                      |
void ModifyOrder( const string aSymbol, const double price, ulong & ticket )
   if ( ticket > 0 )
     if ( OrderSelect ( ticket ) )
       MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
       MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY ;
      request.symbol = aSymbol;
      request.order  = ticket;
      request.price  = price;
      request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
       if ( OrderSend ( request, result ) )
         if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) 
          ticket = result.order;
           Print ( "ModifyOrder: Ордер не модифицирован! Билет = " , ticket );
         Print ( "ModifyOrder: Ордер не отослан! Билет " , ticket );

Setting a pending order with the OrderSendAsync() command

When using this command, the ticket is not obtained as a result of this

functions, but in the OnTradeTransaction() function. In the OrderSendAsync() function, we

get the number of the request to place an order:

uint req_id;
 ulong order_ticket = 0;
 void PlaceAsync( const string a_symbol, uint & req_id, const double price, const double volume, const bool buy_sell )
   MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
  req_id = 0 ;
//--- Fill structure
  request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING ;
  request.magic  = 1234567890 ;
  request.symbol = a_symbol;
  request.volume = volume;
  request.price  = price;
   if ( buy_sell )
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT ;
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT ;
  request.comment = "Отложенный ордер..." ;      
  request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_RETURN ;
  request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
//--- Send order
   if ( OrderSendAsync ( request, result ) )
     if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) 
      req_id = result.request_id;
       Print ( "PlaceAsync: Ордер не установлен! " , a_symbol );
     Print ( "PlaceAsync: Ордер на отослан! " , a_symbol );

Getting a ticket by request number:

 void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction &trans,
                         const MqlTradeRequest &request,
                         const MqlTradeResult &result )
   switch ( trans.type )
     case TRADE_TRANSACTION_REQUEST : if ( trans.order_state == ORDER_STATE_STARTED )
                                       if ( ( req_id != 0 ) && ( result.request_id == req_id ) )
                                         if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED )
                                           if ( result.order > 0 )
                                            order_ticket = result.order;
                                             Print ( "OnTradeTransaction: Не получен билет! Запрос = " , req_id );
                                     break ;

Handling errors (return codes) of the OrderSend() and OrderSendAsync() functions

the CheckError() function is added to the implementation of order sending. Example:

 void ModifyOrder( const string aSymbol, const double price, ulong & ticket )
   if ( ticket > 0 )
     if ( OrderSelect ( ticket ) )
       MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
       MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY ;
      request.symbol = aSymbol;
      request.order  = ticket;
      request.price  = price;
      request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
       if ( OrderSend ( request, result ) )
         if ( result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) 
          ticket = result.order;
          CheckError( result.retcode, "ModifyOrder: Ордер не модифицирован! Билет = " , ticket );
        CheckError( result.retcode, "ModifyOrder: Ордер не отослан! Билет " , ticket );

The CheckError() function itself ( not all return codes in the example )

 void CheckError( const uint ret_code, const string err_msg, const ulong a_ticket )
   switch ( ret_code )
                                           break ;
                                           break ;
                                           break ; 
                                           break ;   
                                           break ;
                                           break ;
                                           break ;
                                           break ;
                                           break ;                                                       
     default : Print ( err_msg, GetRetCode( ret_code ), "; Билет = " , a_ticket );  
             break ;            

See continuation


When buying more than ONE contract with a LIMIT order with ORDER_FILLING_IOC execution,

an order in the history can be stored as ORDER_STATE_CANCELED if the order is filled with the first volume,

and the second failed.


Buying 3 contracts with a LIMIT order with ORDER_FILLING_IOC execution,

there is the following situation:

1. If we bought all three contracts, then the order in the history has the state = ORDER_STATE_FILLED

2. If we did not buy anything, then in the history state = ORDER_STATE_CANCELED

3. If we bought the first two contracts (28449), but did not buy 1 contract (28450), then the state in the history = ORDER_STATE_CANCELED

4. If we did not buy the first two contracts (28449), but bought 1 (28450), then in the history state = ORDER_STATE_PARTIAL

======= End of example ===================

The number of inefficient transactions (an inefficient transaction is a transaction that did not lead to a transaction.

Placement, modification and deletion of an order) on the futures market FORTS is limited to 2000 per full trading session

from 19-00 of the current day to 18-45 of the next day. For exceeding - a fine of the Exchange


1. If a failure occurs on the MT5 server of the broker or on the exchange, then the command

delete(modify) EXISTING order server returns:

error 10013 = TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID = Invalid request ( Invalid request )

2. Sometimes, also on failure, when trying to place a pending or limit order, an error occurs - " The instrument is not currently available "

(that's not a typo, that's the message)

There is no return code for the trade server in the documentation!


So what if some regime is not supported? Why should that make it prohibit you from trading?

Especially if "does not support Stop Limit order setting mode"? This is the trouble with not being able to trade at all.



It's written at the beginning:

IMPORTANT: In order not to "stretch" the topic, if you have any comments,

or have questions, createa separate topicin this section(I will not answer here).

P / S for the especially "gifted" :

In this function, you need to check the parameters that

you will use in your EA. Here is an example:




Frequently used and useful functions:

The CheckError() function itself (not all return codes in the example)


Explanation of the return codes:

string GetRetCode( const uint code )
  string retcode;
  switch( code )
    case TRADE_RETCODE_REQUOTE: retcode = "Реквота";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_REJECT: retcode = "Запрос отвергнут";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_CANCEL: retcode = "Запрос отменен трейдером";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED: retcode = "Ордер размещен";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_DONE: retcode = "Заявка выполнена";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_DONE_PARTIAL: retcode = "Заявка выполнена частично";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_ERROR: retcode = "Ошибка обработки запроса";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_TIMEOUT: retcode = "Запрос отменен по истечению времени";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID: retcode = "Неправильный запрос";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_VOLUME: retcode = "Неправильный объем в запросе";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_PRICE: retcode = "Неправильная цена в запросе";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_STOPS: retcode = "Неправильные стопы в запросе";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_TRADE_DISABLED: retcode = "Торговля запрещена";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_MARKET_CLOSED: retcode = "Рынок закрыт";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_NO_MONEY: retcode = "Нет достаточных денежных средств для выполнения запроса";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_PRICE_CHANGED: retcode = "Цены изменились";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_PRICE_OFF: retcode = "Отсутствуют котировки для обработки запроса";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_EXPIRATION: retcode = "Неверная дата истечения ордера в запросе";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_ORDER_CHANGED: retcode = "Состояние ордера изменилось";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: retcode = "Слишком частые запросы";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_NO_CHANGES: retcode = "В запросе нет изменений";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_SERVER_DISABLES_AT: retcode = "Автотрейдинг запрещен сервером";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_CLIENT_DISABLES_AT: retcode = "Автотрейдинг запрещен клиентским терминалом";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_LOCKED: retcode = "Запрос заблокирован для обработки";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_FROZEN: retcode = "Ордер или позиция заморожены";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_FILL: retcode = "Указан неподдерживаемый тип исполнения ордера по остатку";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_CONNECTION: retcode = "Нет соединения с торговым сервером";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_ONLY_REAL: retcode = "Операция разрешена только для реальных счетов";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_LIMIT_ORDERS: retcode = "Достигнут лимит на количество отложенных ордеров";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_LIMIT_VOLUME: retcode = "Достигнут лимит на объем ордеров и позиций для данного символа";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_ORDER: retcode = "Неверный или запрещённый тип ордера";
    case TRADE_RETCODE_POSITION_CLOSED: retcode = "Позиция с указанным POSITION_IDENTIFIER уже закрыта";
    default: retcode = "Нет кода возврата.";  
  return( retcode );


When designing advisors for FORTS, I do not recommend using the Tick event, but

it is better to use the BookEvent event


Adding a Tick:

(Use ONLY in OnInit() )

  if ( !MarketBookAdd( _Symbol ) )
    MessageBox( "Не добавлен стакан фьючерса " + _Symbol + "!", "Ошибка", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
    return( INIT_FAILED );

Removing a subscription to a glass:

void OnDeinit( const int reason )
  MarketBookRelease( _Symbol );

Get the best ASK and BID and their volumes from the tumbler of prices:

double sell_price, buy_price;
long sell_volume, buy_volume;

//| Expert Get Stakan values function                                |
bool GetStakanValues( const string aSymbol, double &sell_price,
                      double &buy_price, long &sell_volume, long &buy_volume )
  MqlBookInfo book_price[];
  buy_price  = 0;
  sell_price = DBL_MAX;
  buy_volume = 0;
  sell_volume = 0;
//--- Get stakan
  if ( MarketBookGet( aSymbol, book_price ) )//getBook )
    int size = ArraySize( book_price );
    if ( size > 0 )
      double a_min_price = SymbolInfoDouble( aSymbol, SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MIN );
      double a_max_price = SymbolInfoDouble( aSymbol, SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MAX );
      for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        if ( book_price[i].type == BOOK_TYPE_SELL )
          if ( book_price[i].price < sell_price )
            sell_price = book_price[i].price;
            sell_volume = book_price[i].volume;  
        if ( book_price[i].type == BOOK_TYPE_BUY ) //First buy - exit
          buy_price = book_price[i].price;
          buy_volume = book_price[i].volume;
      if ( ( buy_price <= a_max_price ) && ( buy_price >= a_min_price ) &&
           ( sell_price <= a_max_price ) && ( sell_price >= a_min_price ) )
        if ( sell_price == DBL_MAX ) sell_price = 0;
        if ( ( sell_price > 0 ) && ( buy_price > 0 ) )
          return( true );
  if ( sell_price == DBL_MAX ) sell_price = 0;
  return( false); 

Function call:

Checkingif ( a_symbol == _Symbol ) is MUST, it ensures that it is your price stack that has changed.

//| Expert On Book event function                                    |
void OnBookEvent( const string &a_symbol )
  if ( a_symbol == _Symbol )
    if ( GetStakanValues( _Symbol, sell_price, buy_price, sell_volume, buy_volume ) )
      //you code



Special features:

Formulas for calculating and awarding points for ineffective and faulty

transactions in the attachment.

P/S Both rules and points are changed often enough :(


Frequently used and useful functions:

The SetStDayTime() function returns the start time of the trading day (at the time of request).

Function GetExgangeFee() returns exchange commission and number of transactions for the trading day (at the time of request):

//|                                                       Tr_fee.mq5 |
//|                                          Copyright 2015, Mikalas |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2015, Mikalas"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
input long   TrPoint   = 1;              //Балл за транзакцию
input long   DealPoint = 40;             //Балл за сделку
datetime start_day_time;
//| Expert Set start day time function                               |
datetime SetStDayTime()
  MqlDateTime  dt_str; 
  TimeTradeServer( dt_str );
  if ( ( dt_str.day_of_week == 0 ) || ( dt_str.day_of_week == 6 ) ) return( datetime( 0 ) );  
  string time_str = IntegerToString( dt_str.year ) + "." + IntegerToString( dt_str.mon ) +
                    "." + IntegerToString( ) + " 19:00:00";
  ulong cur_day = ulong( StringToTime( time_str ) );                     

  if ( ( dt_str.hour >= 19 ) && ( dt_str.hour <= 23 ) )
    return( StringToTime( time_str ) );
    ulong one_day = 24 * 60 * 60;
    if ( dt_str.day_of_week == 1 )
      cur_day -= one_day * 3;
      cur_day -= one_day;
    return( datetime( cur_day ) );
  return( datetime( 0 ) );
//| Expert calc deals fee function                                   |
double GetExgangeFee( const datetime start_time, long& deals )
  double all_fee = 0.0;
  ulong deal_ticket;
  deals = 0;
  if ( HistorySelect( start_time, TimeTradeServer() ) )
    int deals_total = HistoryDealsTotal();
    if ( deals_total > 0 )
      for ( uint i = 0; i < uint( deals_total ); i++ )
        deal_ticket = HistoryDealGetTicket( i );
        if ( deal_ticket > 0 )
          ulong order_ticket = ulong( HistoryDealGetInteger( deal_ticket, DEAL_ORDER ) );
          if ( order_ticket > 0 )
            all_fee += HistoryDealGetDouble( deal_ticket, DEAL_COMMISSION );
      return( MathAbs( all_fee ) );
  return( 0 );
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
  long a_deals;
  start_day_time = SetStDayTime();
  if ( ulong( start_day_time ) == 0 )
    MessageBox( "Не установлено время начала торгового дня!", "Ошибка", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND );
    return( INIT_FAILED );
  Print( "Exgange Fee = ", GetExgangeFee( start_day_time, a_deals ), "; Deals = ", a_deals );
  return( INIT_SUCCEEDED );

Frequently used and useful functions:

The SetStDayTime() function returns the start time of the trading day (at the time of request).

Function GetExgangeFee() returns exchange commission and number of transactions for the trading day (at the time of request):

This is an unprecedented contender for the title of "Hindu Coder - 2015".

SetStDayTime() is solved with two lines. But of course you don't need to...


Michael, thank you for your features!

The invention of some bicycles by me is cancelled )


I have to.

And how do you do that?

You have to work with the numerical representation of time.

datetime a=TimeTradeServer(); 

The start time of the day:

datetime r=(a/86400)*86400

The time at 19:00 today:

datetime r=(a/86400)*86400+19*3600;

If the time at 19:00 today is greater than the current time, then we need yesterday's 19:00:


Here, if we need to skip the weekend, we check the day of the week, if Sunday, subtract 86400*2, if Saturday, subtract 86400 (to get Friday).

It goes something like this.

Then, for display, if needed, convert to a string:


And the high year?

Now, translate your thoughts into concrete code.

Rewrite my function in your own way, and as you said in TWO lines!

What about leap year? Everything will be all right.

Just do it yourself, I don't want to understand your code completely, in case I'll miss something, what a joy you'll have.