Code Base licences - page 4

Anyhow, my personal opinion, about the codes, there people are trying and writing free and ready-made examples, to use their examples as they are for your own benefit, it's no respect for them. You can invent something of your own on their basis and do whatever you want with that code, as I think, but don't change the author's name and then sell it. The section is designed for information for newbies and beginners as examples of ready-made solutions to learn something new and improve it together for free. I may be wrong, please excuse me in advance.
Vladimir Pastushak:
It would be interesting to see the contract, or is it secret?

I am not at liberty to make the contract known without the agreement of all the parties to the contract. But I have outlined the basic principles above.

Its meaning is clear and simple: all rights to the source code to be transferred under the contract must belong to the vendor of the software product.

If the license of CodeBase implies that any author of the source code of the Base can not claim to profit or its part, or any other benefits from the implementation and operation of products based on these codes, regardless of the good will of the authors, and anyone who uses the code from the base in your software products is entitled to do anything with them, including the commercial sale of products, then I have no problem.

But at the moment there are no legal documents at all, which stipulate the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the CodeBase, including the authors of codes and those who can potentially and directly download the source code from the base, as well as those who are authorized to check and allow publishing the codes in the public domain.

My client wants to protect himself from any claims and demands against him forever.

And your first impression is wrong - I give the customer the source code, not the finished compiled product.

The codebase is freely accessible. Everyone is free to use it, adapt it, modify it as they see fit. But if you decide to sell, then make your own from scratch, of course, something will match, but the algorithms are original, then put your name. And if something is borrowed, in the code indicate the source, the author. It is known that possessors, resellers, make money on many works in many fields. Violations of law are settled in courts, but a person's own ethics should dictate what to do and how to act. That is how it is! P.S. I haven't bought or sold anything myself, except bai and sells. :)

Here is an interesting point in the Terms of Use Agreement

9. Compensation

9.1 You agree to indemnify, to the fullest extent permitted by law, MQL5 Ltd, its affiliates and their directors, managers, employees and agents, and the Authorized Operators against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings brought by third parties, and against any losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from

  • Your breach of these Terms and Conditions when using the website;
  • Violation of copyrights, trademark rights, trade secrets, trade dress, patent rights or other intellectual property rights of any person, infringement of any person's reputation or violation of any person's rights of public use or privacy by materials posted by the User on

This means that any person found guilty of any infringement of copyright or other rights in the use of any materials on this site will have to repay any amounts resulting from the wrongful acts and claims made against the site.

There you go. So I suppose the Code Base licences should be voiced.

Joo Zepper:

Here is an interesting point in the Terms of Use Agreement

9. Compensation

9.1 You agree to indemnify, to the fullest extent permitted by law, MQL5 Ltd, its affiliates and their directors, managers, employees and agents, and the Authorized Operators against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings brought by third parties, and against any losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from

  • Your breach of these Terms and Conditions when using the website;
  • Violation of copyrights, trademark rights, trade secrets, trade dress, patent rights or other intellectual property rights of any person, infringement of any person's reputation or violation of any person's rights of public use or privacy by materials posted by the User on

This means that any person found guilty of any infringement of copyright or other rights in the use of any materials on this site will have to pay compensation for any amounts resulting from the unauthorised use or claims made against the site.

There you go. So I guess the Code Base licenses should be voiced.

Golovaly balakaly, tay tay tay cry.

It turns out anyone can use the CotoBase any way he wants, but the time will come and you'll not only pay the court fees, but you'll also pay all the court costs to all the parties. What the fuck is a CotoBase?

If it didn't exist, anyone would write as he breathes. Now if my code is similar to code from a kotobase (and there are limited ways to write some algorithm) then I can be sued, and he who has more money for lawyers will win.

For example, there is only one way to format a date, for hours, the seconds need to be divided by 3600, for minutes by 60, the remainder of the division by 60 will be the seconds. If I post such a code first in the kotobase, all others who use such a way of formatting will be plagiarists.


I think it is unlikely that they will check our codes, which we use.

The example of seconds is common knowledge, no one can claim authorship, just as we do not pay the Arabs for their numbers, and we do not demand compensation from the Romans for the impossibility of calculations with their numbers.

I think it is unlikely that they will check our codes that we use.

I wouldn't expect it to go away with the sword of judgment hanging over my head. What if it doesn't?

Lived and lived for nothing?

ZS Anyway, there's no way around it without Renat's explanations.

As I understand it, the kodobase serves to attract new interest in the car trade. All the essentials are kept to themselves, and for commerce the marketplace and other things.
As I understand it, the kotobase serves to attract new people interested in car trading. All the essentials are kept to themselves, and for commerce the marketplace and the rest.

Are you sure that nothing from the kotobase and the articles apply to the marketplace?

I'm not so sure.

As I understand it, the kodobaza is for attracting new interested in auto trading. All the best is kept to itself, and for commerce is a market and so on.

It's all "on honour, on conscience..." thinking. It is just a question of making sure that the licences are clear.

The current reality is that some firms have their income solely from litigation. And not only firms, but individuals as well, are not shy about going to court to collect another thousand dollars.

Look at the elementary example - auto lawyers and "longLiquidators". Their activities are based on imperfect contractual agreements between the parties. And as long as we are talking about penny orders in vreelancers and marketplace plumers, then nothing bad will happen to anyone. But it may well happen that someone will think to sue MQ, and they can already be charged not a penny, and that's where the one who was lucky enough to download the code from the database "will be caught", since according to the agreement, the MQL5 website user is responsible in such cases....