Protecting the source code before compilation - page 18

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Why are you still hiding this resource?

Renat probably doesn't see it as any kind of risk, publish it.

I did not authorize it.
Renat Fatkhullin:

Fortunately, this too is an erroneous and unsubstantiated statement.

In fact you (as well as some others) operate with everyday methods of construction of inferences (saw, heard, somewhere). You should operate with technically accurate proofs.

What you cited as proof is nonsense, pulled by the ears (you convinced yourself, because you wanted to convince others).

Renat, please clarify, you as the official representative of the developer of the platform, do not mind if our company IPA Investments LTD at its sole discretion and experience, will develop and apply additional measures of code protection without any reasons, recognized by all?

Pavel Izosimov:

Renat, please clarify, you as the official representative of the platform developer do not mind if we at our own discretion and experience develop and apply additional code protection measures without any reason recognized by everyone?

Only if you stop the unsubstantiated rhetoric.

But you won't, because that is the basis of your FUD(Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) advertisingstrategy. Without it, you can't sell anything. You benefit from fogging up and maintaining a domestic level of misunderstanding and fear.

FUD(Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt ) is a marketing and competition technique of referring to the low visibility of an organization or technology in order to create uncertainty and doubt in your audience, and thus create fear of it.

Sometimes it involves the use of slander or claims that differ little from it. In this regard, it is usually considered morally reprehensible, as it excludes the actual technical and consumer properties of the product from consideration.


MQL4/MQL5 security is very, very high and the days of 509 builds and decompiles are long gone.

For Market products, it's even better due to the automatic linking of products to the technical characteristics of the buyer's computer.

Take up another topic, as the treadmill idea is economically unsuccessful.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Only if you stop the unsubstantiated rhetoric.

But you won't, because it is the basis of your FUD(Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) advertisingstrategy. Without it, you can't sell anything. You benefit from fogging up and maintaining a domestic level of misunderstanding and fear.

Renat, no problem.

We don't need the fog, as you see our developments, which we want to protect in the first place.

Also, our fellow affected developers from this resource will be happy to apply additional protection measures without any fog, as they also believe only with their eyes, just like us.

Well, most importantly, that in this software product the main convenient functionality for users will be automatically integrated flexible licensing system for any of their developments (restrictions by date, binding to accounts, owners, servers, restrictions on minimum and maximum balance), etc.

As a step towards meeting, confirming our parity in the relationship we do not mind if you remove from the first post the sentence, which in your opinion, unsubstantiated rhetoric, as I repeat it is not in our interest to waste our time on arguments and proves.

"With the latestbuilds of the MT4 terminal this process has become more complicated, but nevertheless experienced hacking experts have successfully analysed their content and made unauthorised edits to them, including disablingtrial protection and various bindings. "

Your practical advice and recommendations are also always welcome.

Pavel Izosimov:

Also your practical advice and recommendations are always welcome.

Believe me in my experience - there are no fish here.

I understand that from a programming point of view you are interested in this topic. But economically, it's a 100% failure.

Unfortunately, you will not listen to advice and recommendations. That is the nature of humans and only practice will prove everything.

Pavel Izosimov:

Renat, there is no problem.

We don't need the fog, as you see our developments, which we want to protect in the first place.

Also, our affected fellow developers from this resource will be happy to apply additional protection measures without any fog, because they also, like us, trust only their eyes.

Well, most importantly, that in this software product the main convenient functionality for users will be automatically integrated flexible licensing system for any of their developments (restrictions by date, binding to accounts, owners, servers, restrictions on minimum and maximum balance), etc.

As a step towards meeting, confirming our parity in the relationship we do not mind if you remove from the first post the sentence, which in your opinion, unsubstantiated rhetoric, as I repeat it is not in our interest to waste our time on arguments and proves.

"With the latestbuilds of the MT4 terminal this process has become more complicated, but nevertheless experienced hacking experts have successfully analysed their content and made unauthorised edits to them, including disablingtrial protection and various bindings. "

Also your practical advice and recommendations are always welcome.

For 18 pages you are advised to direct your energy in a different direction and you don't get enough advice...

Experienced experts don't always need eX4, many can decode EA by looking at statemnt and trade report...

Renat Fatkhullin:

Believe me in my experience - there are no fish here.

I understand that from a programming point of view you are interested in this topic. But economically, it is 100% a failure.

Unfortunately, you will not listen to advice and recommendations. That is human nature and only practice will prove everything.

Well Renat, as for the economic component, I agree with you, but our corporate developments, as you understand, we have to protect them in any case, as do our colleagues.

So if the product does not bring in money, it will solve many of our problems.

Especially if you have seen the list of products published on the Marketplace, you must have seen our free broker quotes analyzer, which from an economic point of view is initially a 100% failure, because it was published in the interests of traders, who regularly suffer from pranks of brokers.

I'm just saying that not everything we create has to be necessarily economically justified.

I am talking about the nature of people. You are absolutely right but if you have noticed we do not respond to empty provocations and always try to maintain respectful communication.

The link to the resource, which we all the time and persistently asked out of curiosity as you see we ourselves do not give anyone, because it would not be ethical from our side in relation to the affected colleagues, developers will contribute to the illegal distribution of their products.

Pavel Izosimov:


Will you stop promoting your products? One more mention and you can make birch brooms.
Karputov Vladimir:
Will you stop promoting your products? One more mention and you can make birch brooms.
He'll say, "Thank you, your opinion is very valuable to us!".