FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1222

There is nothing in there about the Swiss blocking the accounts of non-residents over 5 million.
Maybe that's what meant. deoffshorisation in short.

And this could affect the price of oil. Upwards. Until the actual lifting of sanctions, if there is one.

Трудности реализации Соглашения по ядерной программе Ирана
Трудности реализации Соглашения по ядерной программе Ирана
Как сообщает собственный корреспондент иранского информагентства Tasnim News, с 19 октября текущего года начался процесс реализации ядерного соглашения между Ираном и группой «5+1». Эта дата была объявлена днем официального вступления в силу данного соглашения и так называемым «днем утверждения». В этот день Европейский Союз и Соединенные Штаты...
don't quote an adler - or you'll get banned

And this could affect the price of oil. Upwards. Until the actual lifting of sanctions, if there is one.

bollocks :) the eyes see what they want to see :)


Strange, they say that speculators have increased their longs on the quid, the euro is kaput ?


And this could affect the price of oil. Upwards. Until the actual lifting of sanctions, if there is one.

It won't have any impact, when the illegal sale of oil on the black market stops, then the price will be back to $80-$120. Within the next year, or towards the end of the year.
It won't have any impact, when the illegal sale of oil on the black market stops, then the price will be back to $80-120. Within the next year, or towards the end of the year

dumb, black market sales are a tiny fraction ....


dumb, black market sales are a tiny fraction ....

Tell me, not bullshit, what's the impact?
Zogman, you are not even aware of the magnitude of this insignificant fraction)

Bullshit :) eyes see what they want to see :)

If congress does not ratify the treaty, sanctions will not be lifted and then you will see if it is bullshit or not. this is not the states ephemeral debt, Iran has promised to flood everyone with oil if sanctions are lifted.

Personally I see brent at 65-70, crude at 60.
