FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1626


Why did you call them names?

Go there, preferably take everyone who sees when and where, especially those who see when.

You'll be there quietly telling each other about your prophecies.

You think you can get rid of me? You'll have nightmares about me.
You think you can get rid of me? You'll have nightmares about me.
There's a lot of poor people running around here without you. Round them up into a bunch of soothsayers and fortune tellers who can see what's written on a price chart, it's gonna be a hell of a gathering of stoners.
There's plenty of stoners running around here without you. So gather them into a branch of soothsayers and soothsayers who see what is written on the price chart, it will be a gathering of stoners.
Experience shows that the gathering of drug addicts is here - you get drunk on grybs, wheels, disks, smoke, drink and troll and laugh!!! And everyone is smart and knows where the price will go - a circus! but it's funny - hilarious
Am I correct in assuming that you are now making huge profits from the predicted fall in gold?
Or is it just a matter of hindsight, as usual?

I don't trade gold yet, and I don't really keep track of it, so we can say that it's retroactive.


In the market, there are always buyers and sellers in equal numbers, ie, if you sell to someone, someone bought from you.

Supply and demand is not the actual number of buyers and sellers, because he said it is always the same.

Supply and demand are intentions.

Let's look at the glass and the deals on potatoes.

We sell potatoes from 20 to 10, and at 10 all sellers have satisfied the demand, there are no more sellers willing to sell at this price, there are many buyers willing to buy. The closest seller at 13, he only agrees to sell at this price, there is no one lower. What will happen to the price? It will go up to 13 and there will be a deal.

And this is where the market maker's responsibilities come to mind.

The market is much simpler than all the moves of the Fed, the ECB and other institutions, in order to trade, we just need to know the structure of the market and track the moments when there is an imbalance between supply and demand, shown in the example, and when mm comes into play to meet supply and demand in the moments when there is no counterparty to the deal. That's it. The rest is mere shaking of the air.

But here, I feel you are growing in front of your eyes but I will note on top of that, the price is always looking for a profitable price for itself. And the most profitable price is the one that will be a loss for you.

What an insufferable person you are))) No matter how much I try to be discreet, you're just asking for a rant!!!! ))

Let's just say you don't give a shit what anyone else draws. Well, that's your right. Nevertheless, what you draw is only understandable to you and you see it as the ultimate truth in the last resort. You don't even think about what and why. I'm trying to understand - even if not for you, but for myself, and for those for whom it may be interesting. You yourself dream of talking about the market and something more complicated than sticks ))))

There's no need to quarrel and argue. The most accurate forecast is based on volumes, but not on the chart, but on the volumes on the deposit. If you have one, two trades, you cannot meet the market demands, which means that nothing depends on you and therefore your forecast will always be 50/50. Therefore, when you show open trades, stops, you risk being played against you, and you will be out of luck. And you may also be played, which is less likely, because after such a playing back, the person imagines he is no one knows what.

Alexey Busygin:

I don't deal in gold yet, and I don't really keep track of it, so you could say that in hindsight.

But here, I feel you are growing before my eyes but I would like to notice that the price is always looking for a profitable price. And the best price is the one that's going to be a loss for you.

Speak for yourself.

Alexey Busygin:

There is no need to quarrel and argue. The most accurate forecast is based on volumes, but not on a chart, but on the volumes of the deposit. If you have one, two trades, you cannot meet the needs of the market, which means that nothing depends on you, because of this, your forecast will always be 50/50. Therefore, when you show open trades, stops, you risk being played against you, and you will be out of luck. You may also be cheated, which is less likely, because you may think you are something you do not know.

And that's the ravings of a sick man.


I see. That removes the childish question. Strange fought "to the death" for horizontal levels in his time. The issue is a pain in the neck for the forum - there is nothing really to talk about. If you want to trade successfully, the terminal's empty chart in the "line" mode is self-sufficient, but to really know that you have to pass systems with 16 indicators, ZUPs, SOTs, Deltas, Ganns, putts/calls, clusters. You do not need this truth for anyone, neither for traders, nor for brokers, nor for MQLs..... , otherwise you have nothing to brainwash yourself and others.

....... By the way, if you think that price levels in the terminal are some kind of futures or putts/calls, you're wrong.


A market maker is a passive market participant; his minimum task is to meet the regulator's requirements. Before you make up your mind, it is better to read about the conditions that the exchange (regulator) imposes on the market maker and what preferences the market maker has from the exchange for that. And when this becomes clear, then we can talk about the tumbler and the actions of market makers.

Ask yourself a question - who is the counterparty in the deal when the price goes in one direction. Let's say as now - the Euro falls, the crowd rushed to sell. Who would buy back from the crowd? How long may it last? And why does the price maniacally return to the level where it started? And why sometimes it does not reach it, and sometimes breaks it? How do corrections arise and why? What is the duration of correction and what does it depend on? And how does MM avoid losses during such long impulse movements by being on the opposite side of the trade? And can MM hedge? If so, how? And what happens when an option expires? What happens when a deliverable futures expires? How is the producer hedged with the futures? How is the producer hedged with an option?

To understand this you have to imagine yourself as the opposite side and do the math. The only thing that matters in the market is the dough. Options are just a reflection of the movement of dough. And since reports are issued daily, you can count the statistics. You will not see statistics on the price chart, you will not be able to calculate accounting. There is a method for capturing statistics using geometry, but it is difficult to understand, although very simple.

You can also gather statistics yourself. I do it at RosBirch on futures. And from statistical distributions one can build models and draw conclusions. And trade scenarios.

Aren't you scared? Cause usually when I go out, everyone scatters.

So here is what we have for next week:
Let's start by looking at a loaded Euro cup. Bids at the bottom, askskids at the top, buyers at the bottom, sellers at the top. As we found out yesterday, the ECB has raised 100 yards in swaps. And as we found out is going to use them presumably to support the euro. And as we have the buyers at the bottom, the ECB will be there too. Suppose at 1.0588.

What will happen? What do they stand there for? That they are there in fact nobody knows - this is an insider )) The glass is virtually balanced - there are buyers and sellers, equally. We need to create a situation where there will be eu sellers. Who do you think they will sell to? Of course - the ECB.) So option one is that they will hold the level and respectively the exchange rate.

And option number two - they will appear as buyers of the euro - they will create a demand and buy everything clean, dropping the dollar and driving up the price of the euro.

Here you have sticks and koloputs and bees and honey and saucers with edges - the feathered ones!!!
The glass doesn't show the whole picture, or rather one quarter of it. As it shows volumes, the milestone is always sales, at the bottom there are purchases, I ask, where are the purchases that are above the price and sales below the price, there are none! And there won't be, so it's not really reasonable to make a forecast by the cup.
Alexey Busygin:
Aren't you scared? Because usually when I go out, everyone runs away

The glass does not show the whole picture, one fourth of it, to be exact. It shows volumes, the milestone is always sales, at the bottom there are purchases. And there won't be, so it's not really reasonable to make a forecast by the cup.
Man, it feels like you're in kindergarten, trousers on straps.