Proposal to the administration and local residents - page 3

Vladimir Pastushak:
You may not have been to a codabase, many codes are nothing but smiles and sympathy
If the Codabase format is not suitable - then your task is not solvable.
Maybe just create a forum section on the language, with sub-sections on command operators - a live tutorial where people can ask specific questions and get comprehensible answers. And the code examples can be used to make additions to the HELP manual.
Maybe just create a forum section on the language, with sub-sections on command operators - a live tutorial where people can ask specific questions and get comprehensible answers. And the code examples can be used to make additions to the Help Guide.
There is with an established structure. There are discussion threads. Feel free to use them. One more thing: "It's impossible to grasp everything".

In my opinion, there are plenty of MQL4 tutorials on the web.

If you don't look towards OOP, they are quite sufficient.

But if you do use OOP - then, yes, everything is much sadder... But on the other hand, for studying this paradigm the books on C++ are enough.

George Merts:

In my opinion, there are plenty of MQL4 tutorials on the web.

If you don't look towards OOP, they are quite sufficient.

But if you do use OOP - then, yes, everything is much sadder... But on the other hand, for studying this paradigm the books on C++ are enough.

Those tutorials I've met, or training videos, are usually for very beginners. And there are a lot of such doubles for beginners but they are extremely illiterate. In one of my articles, I was admonished about a working code, but it was bad as an example. That's the problem - there are a lot of "tutorials" everywhere but they teach from the compiler's viewpoint without errors but in a very unoptimized way. If you want to teach people, don't teach them how to write 2+2 on 20 lines, but take into account the speed of programs and their optimality.
George Merts:

In my opinion, there are plenty of MQL4 tutorials on the web.

If you don't look towards OOP, they are quite sufficient.

But if you do use OOP - then, yes, everything is much sadder... But on the other hand, for studying this paradigm the books on C++ are enough.

Look at all those video tutorials and textbooks... It's horrible...

In my opinion, the built-in help is enough to master MQL. As the saying goes "an algorithm is an algorithm". Those who have previously programmed in any other "C" like programming languages may easily start programming in MQL. The syntax is identical, and as for specific functions, they can be found in the help.
Karputov Vladimir:
There is a with an established structure. There are discussion threads. Please use it. One more thing: "It's impossible to cover everything".

I am not suggesting that we should change it, I just offered to make it more convenient, the way I see it. If everything is already there, what is the point of discussing anything at all - learn to use the search - the answer to all questions is depressing.
I would be interested in something else. By analogy with the Russian language. Learning to write in Russian is one thing, writing correctly is another. To learn how to program in MQL, but to build the code correctly is another thing. If there were manuals on how to program in MQL, they would be very useful.
Vladimir Pastushak:

I don't see anything wrong with my idea

The only problem is that no one will engage in filling quality content for free (isolated cases are not taken into account).