Learning to code for autotrading


Hi everyone. I was going to buy a book to learn how to write code for MT4 to have it autotrade for me. My question is two fold:

1) Is MT4 C based or C++? If I were buying a book, should I get a C or C++ one?

2) Can anyone recommend a good book to begin with? I saw C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata got excellent ratings on amazon...

Thank you!


MQL course

Hi friend...try these two links in our forum....



i think these two links are better than any books....

All thanks to CodersGuru


making an ea

Hi , You could try www.gordago.com it has an interesting ea software program

Hi everyone. I was going to buy a book to learn how to write code for MT4 to have it autotrade for me. My question is two fold:

1) Is MT4 C based or C++? If I were buying a book, should I get a C or C++ one?

2) Can anyone recommend a good book to begin with? I saw C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata got excellent ratings on amazon...

Thank you!


Firstly, you can check out my tutorial:


The MQL4 code passed on C not C++, so, if you want to buy a book (I don't know why? There are a lot of free stuff in the net!) you have to buy a C language book not a C++ book.

Happy programming!


Firstly, you can check out my tutorial:


The MQL4 code passed on C not C++, so, if you want to buy a book (I don't know why? There are a lot of free stuff in the net!) you have to buy a C language book not a C++ book.

Happy programming!

C... C++ there really isn't a difference in terms of learning rudimentary programming leading up to MQL. You even said it yourself in Lesson1. Guru, please don't think that I was trying to degrade the value of your courses. In fact, that is how I learned mql. The question was where to find references, and as your's was the first, I thought I would throw out what helped me out. The ‘Dummies’ guides assume no programming knowledge like your guides, but for some out there like me who prefer to have the 3” thick desk reference, the Dummy guide makes it VERY easy for someone with absolutely no programming experience to learn the basics. You’re right, I guess he wouldn’t need to have the knowledge of OOP… possibly C could be better, but after going to the bookstore and poking my nose through many books, it’s the one that was the easiest to understand….for me….a green horn newbie!

PS Thanks for the courses!


Hi guys....

Guru, why not make a function library?

So people who have just begun their journey in mql programming doesn't need to build their mql functions collections from ground up...

if you need a more condusive environment to manage the datas i'd be happy do donate a lill money to get a hosting service for the first year.

Hi guys....

Guru, why not make a function library?

So people who have just begun their journey in mql programming doesn't need to build their mql functions collections from ground up...

if you need a more condusive environment to manage the datas i'd be happy do donate a lill money to get a hosting service for the first year.

Very good idea! I'm working in my functions collections (the most of the work based on coderguru work and the other great programmers here)!

We even can build a new language (simple one) based on the MQL language, for example:




Maybe coderguru consider this suggestion!