a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 3

<br / translate="no"> Cartoon quote: "Better to lose a day, but then fly in an hour!"

And the ostrich started learning to fly :-)

Цитата из мультфильма: "Лучше день потерять, но потом за час долететь!"

And the ostrich began to learn to fly :-)

- Lieutenant, what's that in your corner?
- Is that...? It's a piano!
- Do you know how to play?
- I don't, but the cornet promises to come with a beer tonight, he'll show me how to do it.

Good luck.

But seriously, MKL4 is based on C/C++ which is a whole methodology in thinking and approach to software design and implementation. You have to pay for flexibility, and free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Sometimes you are amused by all sorts of takeoff/landing courses promising to turn you into an ace programmer in couple of weeks and 200 dollars. :).

In any case, good luck.
Just don't become a professional programmer :)
I'll give you a piece of advice...
If there's a seit that proves you're making a steady profit when you trade manually, I'm willing to take on the task of developing a program. But I have my doubts that there is no such proof.
Roger, it looks like he's already had a hundred offers from programmers.

Yes! By the way, it would be interesting to have a look at the state. Alex Niroba, show it, it won't cost you anything.
If I manually ran from 180 quid to 1 mio, I would not look for a programmer to write an EA (a lost cause), and reducing the risks by an order of magnitude would make a hundred from 1 grand in a year. I would not have wasted my time. I do not.
Just don't become a professional programmer :) <br / translate="no"> I'll give you a piece of advice...

Personal experience? :)