a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 229

Imagine that you are a graduate student and you have received an assignment from your supervisor to calculate the parameters of a model describing the evolution of a system of two gravitationally-bound stars. Let's suppose that you were lazy to study Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and you have made a "wise" decision to deduce all formulas from the general considerations independently - it is interesting and informative. Undoubtedly, we will succeed and we will triumphantly put on a table already to the son of the former head the searched model... <br / translate="no">

Imagine that such a case actually happened. One of the great ones (I remember that he was German) had a very eager pupil, who kept demanding a more difficult task from the teacher. The teacher gave in and asked him to work out the construction of a regular 17-sided polygon with a compass and ruler. The pupil devoted almost his whole life to this task and got a result! Though he did not bring the solution to his son, he put it on his teacher's grave. :-)

Who's counting?

1. You should not throw away your bikes. Nobody needs them except their owner anyway. Why litter the environment with scrap metal?
2. According to Pastukhov's drawings (and this is a good one, but still a blueprint), build a real bike.
3. Take this bicycle as a basis, which each participant of the process can use for personal purposes, but not for commerce.
4. Hang all the tzatziki-tzatziki everyone has on their personal Shepherd's Bicycle. The remaining scrap metal should be scrapped.
<br / translate="no"> Adopt this bicycle as a basis that everyone involved in the process can use for personal purposes, but not for commercial purposes.

Yuri, why not for commercial purposes? My aim, for example, is the same as Sergei's - material enrichment. I did not see anything shameful in it (when I lived in the Soviet Union) and I do not see it now. On a psychological level it is very dangerous to plant such programmes in oneself (recalling your philosophical posts). The brain, of course, is not exactly MT, but it is programmed by us as well. My philosophy is very simple - everyone gets what they want badly. If the ultimate goal is research, you will get it in abundance...
In general, the mood of the active participants of the forum is clear - even if the bike is childish, three-wheeled - but it's mine! We continue the monologues "each about his own".

Guys, who mastered the method of construction of the final reneko-ryad, tell me, it (H=3) vyhyndlyaet so?

Or does Pastukhov exclude from the final construction all co-rotations and leaves only multiples of H, which lie directly before the extremums of the initial series?
Sergey, you simply misunderstand me. To use it for personal gain is the very same material gain in which the bike is the main means of production (money). And using it for commerce is selling (or renting out) the bike itself.

As you know, I believe that the best way to ruin a working strategy is to make it public. Alas, everyone can't win. And if a strategy is made to be successful in forex, then having made it, one should just work successfully. And not to strive for fame. :-)))

Therefore, in particular, supporting Sergey's idea of collective development of MTS based on Pastukhov's strategy, I believe that a public forum is not the best place for such a team to work.
It seems to me that any openness (and in this matter especially) should have its limits.

And what do the rest of the panelists think ?

2 Neutron
I've pretty much got the job done. :-)
With only one "but". The READPRN function should be able to understand spaces and commas in the data file (as written in the manual), but it doesn't want to. Why, I've never been able to find the answer.
Maybe because it doesn't understand date-time format ?

My minutes file is exported from MT4. The entry has the form: date, time, OHLC, volume. Everything is comma-separated. READPRN understands the date format as numeric, probably because there are dots. That's where it ends.
I saw that your tick files also have both date and time. How do you solve this situation ?
In general, the mood of the active forum participants is clear - even if the bike is childish, three-wheeled - but it's mine! We continue with the monologues "each about his own things".

Frankly speaking, Sergey, I do not understand from what you have made such conclusion.
Just in case I shall repeat without humour:
I will gladly and willingly take part in the collective development of MTS on Pastukhov's strategy.
I consider this the most promising idea at the moment and am willing to indefinitely postpone my own research for the sake of this work. I was going to do it myself, despite easily predictable difficulties related to the lack of knowledge of known sections of mathematics. And in cooperation with specialists - all the more so.

I hope I have made myself quite clear.
But I would like to hear your feedback about what I said in the previous post.
To Neutron

Invite Pastukhov himself to your club, he can answer all questions.

Quite seriously.
To Yurixx

Now I understand what we are talking about. But the whole point is that the forums are an open space, and it is on them that new "brains" appear. And to hide the development, or introduce in my mind stupid licenses (it seems that it was already on this forum) will not lead to good results.

To Neutron

I have not tried yet, but I guess within 3-4 days I will catch up. Also have various things to do, including my Harley (not a tricycle for kids :o).

PS: Not that I'm a sceptic, but there is a question, ah, has Shepherd already become a millionaire?
But the whole point is that the forums are an open space and it is on them that new "brains" appear. And hiding the development, or introducing a silly license as I understand it (it seems to have already been on this forum) will not lead to good results.

Do you believe that the more brains the better ? :-)
My view is different: Measure is the fundamental point in resolving any issue.
More brains or less brains than needed to solve a particular problem is equally bad.

On the subject of silly licences. Vladislav, who outlined the idea part of his strategy here in his time, suggested limiting the level of detail, not posting code, etc. in order "not to encourage freeloaders". This was a request which was accepted by all participants. The agreement was respected and no "bad" results were seen. I don't understand what scares you.

Not that I am a sceptic, but the question is, has Shepherd already become a millionaire?

I don't think that's the issue. I have read the thesis (in outline) and understood it at the level of ideas.
This understanding and the ideas themselves seem to me to be adequate and constructive. Therefore I am
am willing to work in this direction. If this conviction wasn't there, even Pastukhov's millions
wouldn't have forced me to do it.
<br / translate="no"> Are you suggesting that the more brains the better ? :-)
My view is different: Measure is the fundamental point in solving any issue.
More brains or less brains than necessary to solve a particular problem is equally bad.

Do you know how many brains are needed? Let's say you know the number, but how will you select them? My opinion is simple, there is no need to control it, everything will either form itself or fall apart. And it's too early to share the pelt of a bear cub you haven't caught yet.

On the subject of silly licences. Vladislav, who outlined the idea part of his strategy here in his time, suggested limiting the level of detail, not posting code, etc. in order "not to encourage freeloaders". This was a request which was accepted by all participants. The agreement was respected and no "bad" results were seen. I don't understand what scares you.

That's right, originally it was, until they decided to develop these agreements to, in my opinion, absurdity.

Anyway, I suggest this topic be closed. I was just expressing my opinion in response to your request, that's all.

I don't think that's the issue. I have read the thesis (in outline) and understood it at the level of ideas.
This understanding and the ideas themselves seem to me to be adequate and constructive. Therefore I am
am willing to work in this direction. If this conviction was not there, even Pastukhov's millions
wouldn't have forced me to do it.

My previous post is based on experience. If you want to learn something, you have to learn from someone who has that art: making money, defending dissertations, etc. My point is that behind vague formulas there are quite simple ideas, known for a long time, and you should not break other bicycles, including your own. Though, in this, you and I agree. :о)))
Neutron 23.01.07 21:05

This is the H-volatility series=11/5.

Olga_trader 23.01.07 21:38
Invite Pastukhov himself to your club, he can answer all questions.
Quite seriously.

And where to look for it?