Questions about MQL4 - page 4

the usage time limit for deinit is 2.5 sec.
plus there was once a glitch - objects from deinit were not deleted. But it works now.
The main thing is to keep an eye on time, try to write the most economical code for deinit.
komposter ,
The glitch must be back.
Otherwise, it doesn't work for more than 0.5 seconds at startup.
- use the printers to trace what is happening - where the failure is
- check the log to see if there's an error.
- what's the latest build?

my deinit objects are deleted "with a bang"...
Nope. Doesn't work.

Out of habit and out of the goodness of my heart I use Alert() to run the program.
As it turned out, for ObjectDelete() to work in deinit() , you must not have Alert() in deinit() .

I'm curious to ask my advisors: in what paragraph is this written in a textbook on the C++ language?)
thank you again for your participation. You're my lightning rod:)
"night saviour", "lightning rod" - how many gentle words for me... I'm melting...
I'm actually evil. But I'll put my expert anyway.)

Tell me. I have looked at order_buy.mq4, and there is MessageBoxA . Why do we need A? And the texts are in gobbledygook.
What is it? Some kind of coding error?
But I will post my expert anyway :)
That's the greatest evil =)

You tell me. I was looking at order_buy.mq4 code, there is MessageBoxA. Why do they have A? And the texts are in googly characters.
What is it? Some kind of coding error?

I don't know... I haven't looked and don't want to =)
better check out my SendPendingOrder - " To GUO fans"
yes, I've seen that. I have a similar idea. Only I want to do it really well. I'll post it when I do. And we'll discuss it.
OK =)