Make your first million - page 107

Alexandr Murzin:
A familiar shoulder and depot. Looks like a contest on the Alps ?
That's the one - as I said above.

So I don't get it )) what is the author's result now? Where is the report?

I think the author's goals are quite realistic. You can get 10% or more per day, I checked it on my personal experience with my own trading system.

In any case, you need both skill and great luck. It is not an easy task to meet the set deadlines and profit targets.

Good luck to the author.

It is also worth remembering that money loves silence. And the trader leading such a theme, must have a super stable psyche, because he gets a load as from trading, and from what feels a certain responsibility to the readers. For me it is better to earn a million from a deposit of $ 100, and then write a book about it, which beautifully tell the reader about the hard way. And when it comes out, make another million on the sale of the book :))))
Alexey Taranchenko:

So I don't get it )) what is the author's result now? Where is the report?

I think the author's goals are quite realistic. You can get 10% or more per day, I checked it on my personal experience with my own trading system.

In any case, you need both skill and great luck. It is not an easy task to meet the set deadlines and profit targets.

Good luck to the author.

The result is negative for now. I'm getting ready for the new round)). In the meantime, I have decided to post reports on the contest trading.

Thank you!
Alexey Taranchenko:
It is also worth remembering that money loves silence. And the trader leading such a theme, must have a super stable psyche, because he gets a load as from trading, and from the fact that he feels some responsibility to the readers. For me it is better to earn a million from a deposit of $ 100, and then write a book about it, which beautifully tell the reader about the difficult path. And after the book is published, you can make another million by selling the book :))))
The book? As I said before - why not ))
Good going today:

Did today's storm hold out?
It's a contagious subject. It's time to start a "Who wants to be a millionaire" thread
Alexandr Murzin:
Did today's storm hold out?
Why, was it stormy? )) sails in the wind ))
Alexander Laur:

You've inspired me. :)

Seventh day of trading, flight's good. +18.33% today :)

Well, it's about time! I've already encouraged a lot of people - Puppet needs funds