FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1501

The active phase is apparently over for the EuR, if left to its own devices, it should go down nicely.

Please surrender the demigod token and the all-seeing eye, in the storage chamber of the souls of the infinite, within 24 hours by earthly standards.

Always with you, 38th circle of hell.

Solar, go fuck yourself. Yusuf is on fire.)

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
Цопт - оптимальная цена, позволяющая получить максимальную прибыль;. - Страница 23 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Oleg Tsarkov:
The active phase seems to be over on the euR, if we let it go on its own, it should go down well.
And everyone is waiting for that, but I think for nothing
Say it normally... That you miss the Old One...
You don't have to throw yourself at people.)
I've been pushing you trolls, I'm pushing you, and I'll keep pushing you!
I've been pushing you trolls, I'm pushing you, and I'll keep pushing you!

It's always that kind of shit with you )))) Whoever you pretend to be...

The result is only Sharikov.)

Emperor... Burn!

Creepy, blew out the stops. We'll try the shorts at 145

yes, where - so:

Creepy, blew out the stops. Let's try the shorts at 145

You can see where the stop is =)

at 1.14 would be a good knock)
Oleg Tsarkov:

He is from Western Ukraine, that's the problem...

If he lived in Russia, he would react differently.

That's if you look at it from outer space))

In Europe, everyone is convinced that the Americans have liberated them, there is a serious war going on, and we are the tools of the trade.

Aren't you too young to speak up for me, son?