FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2113

And I want to say thank you, you know what for, you helped me anyway! :)
Eugenia, now that Strange is retiring - now all the hope is on you - we believe in you, your last predictions were super )

what happened - the kiwi audi - collapsed and the eu is crawling and crawling down

aaaah it was Jelena who promised a rate increase - what did I tell you )


The strategy was developed in 2013, put on demo after many months of testing on history, then more than half a year of testing on demo account, now on cent account.

I am working with more than 10 currency pairs...

It's a misconception that the settings for all pairs should be the same.

All your speculations and hopes are a delusion
All your speculations and hopes are a delusion.
Good luck to you! It will be difficult for you with your lack of understanding of the obvious.
Good luck with the misunderstanding of the obvious.
Good luck with not understanding the obvious -Aleks-.
good phrase, the main thing is that the meaning was clear to the author

I don't have noise - there's no noise at all - it's noise to them... noise... noise... - or maybe it's Doll - noise... Doll...

Doll... noise... noise...

hilarious))) Sensei returns... it's all about atarka...don't take it away )))))

Я больше никогда не буду цепляться за каждую сделку, пробуя стать в ней победителем. Осознание только этого одного сделает меня победителем. Потери ничуть не умаляют меня как личность.

is the moon...

it's the market, baby.
Sen... Here's the drum solo... learn)))

I think she'd do well on the Pips, too...

Shorted usd/cad
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