Why do signal and advisor sellers sell their products and not use them themselves? - page 5

Chess. You play black: make a move, give up a pawn. Playing white: Black made a move, you get a pawn. Strangely enough, black always loses for some reason. And white always wins for some reason.

The logical conclusion to be drawn from this is... No matter how strong you are at chess, the outcome is decided before the game even starts.

In other words, if you cast lots (a coin) to see which player plays white, it will indicate the winner, and hence, you don't even have to play chess.

Everything seems logical... So where do chess masters and champions come from? Or do they always play white? Perhaps they have a coin with one weighted side...

Hmmm, did you see a discrepancy between my post you quoted and your response to it?

I was only drawing your attention to what I actually said in order to dispel the misunderstandings of the parties.


I was only drawing your attention to what I had actually said in order to dispel the misunderstandings of the parties.

That's what I thought. :-)

I think I've found the answer to this question, why exactly as the title of the thread goes.

Here are two traders from way back in the 80's who also coincidentally became sellers.

A bullish trend song.


The beginning of the topic was quite serious and promising, but ended up being a farce.

I understand that there are enough clowns in life, and even too many... What I don't understand is why there are so many of them here.

I'm totally serious, it's just that today is a holiday, saw this and decided to do the same.

I have another topic in the pipeline, I just don't know how to properly format it so there's no verbal diarrhea in the author of the topic as it usually happens here, because everyone here is literate.

And before you go spouting "verbal diarrhea" on the subject, you couldn't find a couple of minutes for a little analysis - Who needs it?

I'm just stating my opinion, no need, I'll post it on another resource, here's the problem found.
Not so proud and self-righteous there.


The beginning of the topic was quite serious and promising, but ended up being a farce.

I understand that there are plenty of clowns in life, and even too many... What I don't understand is why there are so many of them here.

I do not want to say anything bad about Forex, but historically, the appearance of easy money attracts many unlettered people.

again, i'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular...
and it's a good one about the teddy bear)
you seem to be an experienced person judging by the rating ...... if the system yields 5% per annum and stable, it is not a grail, it has as much of a grail as a bank deposit, and i don't see any reason why such systems should not be sold because the profit here depends more on the size of the deposit than the system itself and sellers may not have enough of the deposit, so they sell it for themselves and others.
(higher depo) is good for them.

As for the other systems, they may be very stable with high risks.

If they do not know what to do and what to expect, they may be very profitable.

they will, as long as your own capital is not enough
Friends, lend me a million at 20% interest for one year. I'll pay it back on time and I won't go near the market.