Get the credits out now, before there is a legal ban on e-money transactions! - page 3

wmr to card no problem) exchange rate WMZ to WMR more profitable than bank

I know it all very well.

the question was rhetorical, showing the absurdity of the statement "everything will be banned", "nothing works"

No, they won't, but they will add to the hassle for many.

I'm well aware of that.

the question was rhetorical, showing the absurdity of saying "everything will be banned", "nothing works"

In the past, withdrawal cost a kopeck, cash was exchanged, I had a man take a webkit and give it back in roubles, they got by somehow, while exchangers charged as much as 7% for the exchange, and if someone bought webkits, everyone smiled at him and was always happy).
Or will they?

Let them introduce all sorts of crap. As a result, a significant portion of international payments will go to cryptocurrencies. MetaQuotes will bolt an API for BitCoin to its payment system and all problems with international payments will be solved.

The more they tighten the screws, the higher the demand for cryptocurrencies will be. There would be no alternative, then another matter.



If there was no alternative, then another matter.

Fucking hell! I can't believe my eyes! Reshetov says something in favour of cryptocurrency... am I awake?
Holy crap! I can't believe my eyes! Reshetov says something in favour of cryptocurrency... am I awake?

Well, yeah. Due to the legislative morass, I had to get myself a bitcoin wallet:

My wallet


Well, duh. Due to the legislative morass, I had to get myself a bitcoin wallet:

I finally came to my senses.)

Maybe I do not understand something, so sorry ... but what is easier ...

  • just register a sole proprietorship,
  • pay 6% tax on all incoming payments plus social security - the total is somewhere around 7% (for webmoney with an anonymous kiwi, probably more than 6% if you start it),
  • sign up for paypal,
  • make it business paypal,
  • wait a week for paypal's checks,
  • tie your ruble IP bank account to paypal,
  • and do not bother ... (and sleep well) .... no webmoney, no anonymous plastic cards ... no SWO ... no problem ...

Maybe I do not understand something, so sorry ... but what is easier ...

  • Just register a sole proprietorship,
  • pay 6% tax on all incoming plus social - in total somewhere around 7% (on webmani with anonymous kiwi probably more than 6% if you start),
  • sign up for paypal,
  • make it business paypal,
  • wait a week for paypal's checks,
  • tie your ruble IP bank account to paypal,
  • and do not bother ... (and sleep well) .... no webmoney, no anonymous plastic cards ... no SWO ... no problem ...

IE? I may not understand either, but it seems there is an annual fee of ~35,000 RR.

IP? I may not understand either, haven't looked into it, but there seems to be an annual fee of ~35,000 RR.
No, why? 17 thousand a year (for 2014) as obligatory payments, but if there is revenue (and programmers always have it) - these 17 can be included in 6% ... so it's 6 to 7% of revenues.