Get the credits out now, before there is a legal ban on e-money transactions! - page 2

The WebMoney passport does not affect the ability to withdraw to the bank in Ukraine. All withdrawals to the bank at the moment are blocked (of course it is possible through exchangers, workarounds - but this is not legal)
WebMoney passport has no effect on the ability to withdraw to the bank in Ukraine. All withdrawals to the bank at the moment blocked (of course you can exchange offices, workarounds - but it is not legitimate).

You do not confuse activity of UkrGarant WMU with WebMoney activity?


You are not confusing the activities of UkrGarant WMU with those of WebMoney ?

No, I am not. At the moment I cannot directly withdraw hryvnias to the Bank.
WebMoney - Новости - Официальная позиция WebMoney.UA
Украинская компания - гарант системы сегодня вынуждена работать под жестким прессингом чиновников Министерства доходов и сборов. В этой непростой ситуации все наши действия...

And you're starting to smell something...? And, I remember, just recently, some of the "humorists" here tried to "humour" my distrust caused by the recent Ukrainian incident of "fighting with etc...".

But the fact is that such a thing has already happened in recent fiscal history.... Was... And such an initial outburst has often proved to be a trial balloon, so to speak, to study the reaction and then followed by calculated planned actions.

Except that many people have too short a memory.

No I don't. At the moment I cannot withdraw hryvnias directly to the bank.

you are confused. it's about UkrGarant


You're confused. We're talking about UkrGarant.

We are talking about Ukrainian Webmoney. Webmoney Guarantor - UkrGarant. Withdrawal official only via UkrGarant. Withdrawal official now blocked - hence Webmoney can not be officially withdraw in Ukraine.
Therefore Webmoney cannot be officially withdrawn in Ukraine.
but in russia, for example, you can withdraw WMR or WMZ ?
Can I withdraw WMR or WMZ, for example, in Russia?
I do not know about Russia - we are not allowed to have bank accounts abroad. And I originally talked about the Webmoney problem in Ukraine - as an example of legislative initiatives for Russia. That is, Russia can take the example of Ukraine and instantly cut off all electronic money.
Yep. that's it.
Can I withdraw WMR or WMZ in Russia ?
wmr to card no problem) the exchange rate of WMZ to WMR is more profitable than bank