I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 8

I join in. We have known Rashid for a long time.

Yes, indeed service is provided, but you are charged 20% of the order amount, and rightly so. So there is a charge, and fines are a fault, there can be no fines without a fault.

Our commission for the freelance service is only 5% just to heal the service, not to make money.

That's the thing, the moderator sees much more, parses the case and cannot publicly voice arguments. That is, the moderator has read the discussions and arguments of the parties.

There was no unfairness in this case.

Well, that's a direct deception, no one asked me for my reasons, i.e. the moderator didn't contact me at all. Since this case happened to me, I do not mind publicly voicing the arguments, I have nothing to hide.

And when the argument that the moderator knows something more, but he does not even want to share this knowledge with those whom he is punishing with a fine, then, sorry 37 smells like "there is no mistake about it".


OK, I see.

kylinar2012, lay out the details, otherwise you will be left defending your rights with yourself. I have no reason to disbelieve the correctness of Rashid's decision.

No details, offered to write an advisor to create a Renko - MT5 chart, enclosed an analogue made for MT4, with similar code. The man agreed for 100 units. Everything was processed. A few days later I got a letter saying that he could not do it or he would do it for 400 cfr. and the artist filed for arbitrage, where they charged me 5 cfr.

The whole story. As the moderator writes "all is fair" .


No details, offered to write an EA to create a MT5 Renko chart, attached an analogue made for MT4, with similar code. The man agreed for 100 units. Everything was processed. A few days later I got a letter saying that he could not do it or he would do it for 400 cfr. and the artist filed for arbitrage, where they charged me 5 cfr.

The whole story. As the moderator writes "all is fair" .

copypaste to Word, all pages from beginning to end, Word to archive, archive here in the trailer.
Copy and paste into Word, all pages from the beginning to the end, archive the Word, and attach the archive here.

Preferably without forgetting to discuss the work on the side with two performers.

You can see from the story that the working discussion was held outside the service, and at the end it ended with "we didn't agree and the contractor went to arbitration".


let's really make this case public.

It feels like someone is holding something back...

I personally think/request that it's not the client who should be fined, but the one responsible for the failure.

for example - change in terms of reference, failure to formulate it is the customer's fault.

for example changing terms of reference, not being able to formulate it - the fault of the developer.

this will only improve the reputation and reliability of the service. and discourage .....

yes, this may lead to higher prices, but so will quality.

If you want cheaper but no guarantees, google rules.


Preferably, not forgetting to discuss work on the side with two performers.

The story shows that the working discussion was held outside the service and ended with "we didn't agree and the contractor went to arbitration".

I did not discuss the work with anyone. Indeed one contractor offered to do the job for 15 units. (I have written a letter to the email address and Skype. I emailed both there and there asking if he was really set up (as he was not answering in the service). He replied that he would not do it and it was over.

With the second contractor for 100 units all discussions were only within the service. The only thing he notified me that he refuses to work or is willing to continue for 400 cents per month by sending an email. But what does that have to do with me? I didn't negotiate with him via e-mail.

Which of these are your "discussions about working on the side"?


it will only enhance the reputation and reliability of the service. and alienate the ....

yes, it may increase prices, but so will quality.

it won't )


let's really make this case public.

It feels like someone is holding something back...

I personally think/request that it's not the client who should be fined, but the one responsible for the failure.

for example - change in terms of reference, failure to formulate it is the customer's fault.

for example changing terms of reference, not being able to formulate it - the fault of the developer.

this will only improve the reputation and reliability of the service. and discourage .....

yes, this may lead to higher prices, but so will quality.

If you want cheaper but no guarantees, google rules.

I as a participant in this action agree to make the case public, I have nothing to hide.