Why have subscriptions been banned on the grounds of "too high a yield" ? - page 83


What kind of commission do banks get?

You go to the bank, make 10K in one transaction and pay the bank a $10 commission. Where will the bank get the money to pay you the profit? Is it going to hedge your deal with aliens in space?

Was the other party to the transaction a bank? Or another client of the bank, or another bank altogether?

Let's discuss.

Come on ) you benefit from having customers drain as slowly as possible.

If they are going to make money, liquidity providers will not work with you because of the toxicity of the flow.

If they will drain, yes, turnover drops. But you can make up the turnover by attracting new hamsters, so this point cannot be discarded completely either.

By the way, the question is, what will you do with the supplier if he returns a lot of redirects?

was the other party to the transaction a bank? or another bank customer, or another bank in general?
The big Bank (the ultimate supplier) is always the other party to the transaction and not just legally, but in fact. All big banks are big kitchens as they have nowhere to withdraw. Yes the interbank networks will be able to hedge something, but it is impossible to withdraw everything.

Let's ) you benefit from the fact that clients will be drained as slowly as possible.

If they are going to make money, liquidity providers will not work with you because of the toxicity of the flow.

If they drain, yes, turnover drops. But you can make up the turnover by attracting new hamsters, so you can't dismiss this point completely either.

By the way, a question -- what will you do with the supplier if he returns a lot of redirects?

If there are many suppliers, even in the aggregate, a profitable customer base can only squeeze out individual suppliers, and rat them out. They may endure for a long time, or they may pull the plug, it's okay they're not the only ones.

In fact, the overall client base is unprofitable and, as you correctly point out, you can only hope for a slower drain, but that does not negate the joy of any client profit.

If there are a lot of redirects, we will switch to those with less. It is not realistic to have no redirects at all yet.

You have to go privately, I think the boys will understand.

The boys don't go to arrows anymore, they piss all over the place.

Was the other party to the transaction a bank? Or another client of the bank, or another bank altogether?

There doesn't really seem to be any fundamental difference.

Someone will still be on the edge and will be prone to either extinction or flight.

Or else to demand a toxic customer be nailed... ;)


If there are many suppliers, even collectively a profitable customer base can only outlive a single supplier, and ratify them. They may endure for a long time or they may switch off, it's OK they are not the only ones.

In fact, the overall client base is unprofitable and, as you correctly point out, you can only hope for a slower drain, but that does not negate the joy of any client profit.

If there are a lot of redirects, we will switch to those with less. It is unrealistic to be without any redirects at all for the time being.

Do you have a figure on the ratio of internal sales through liquidity providers to internal sales through matching. Do you have it?
Do you have a figure for the ratio of volume performed through liquidity providers to the volume performed internally through matching. Do you want to share it?
Who cares, but the bear goes straight for the honey... ;)
A bear is right behind the honey.)
it's wintertime.)
winter's coming.)
Misha, ask for something else, you're good at it.)