What happened to USD? Who knows? - page 5

I had a positive candlestick on both pairs, pound and eu-dollar, i recommend everyone to buy. i put everything for buying last night, i woke up today and thought i was about to fall over. i had raised my lot by 5.
What you have falls beautifully :) while it's rising.
USD, what are you growing?

there have been more moves, and recently.


There's been a lot more action recently.

I don't get it either, what's all the fuss about? What "in broad daylight"? Unless someone is in the western hemisphere of the planet...

And it's a big news story, it's legitimate.

It's just that if you sell the euro (bought quid) it's not all natural... a man's quid is going against the pose)
Why do you tear up my templates?
♪ why do you break my stencil ♪
♪ and why do you come in drunk ♪
♪ in a sewing class ♪
Imp, 14.04.2012
I don't drink, moreover I don't crochet or sew on anyone! ;)
will roll me back to zero under 100 pips
Got out one way or another. Must have slept well. )))

Promised spread pictures:


Ask < Bid during the news:

That's how billions are made within a couple of days. You just have to have the right information at the right time )))
I wouldn't be surprised if today or tomorrow they say they have decided to cut the bond-buying programme. And by $25bn at once )))) The important thing is that the right people get into the right position now)