Beta version of MetaTrader 4 IDE including new MQL4 compiler and editor - page 12


1. The Window menu has a function called "New Window", as I understood it to be for working in the same file at the same time in different locations.

But this function does not work. The second window opens. You go to the right place, and when you return to the first window, it scrolls to the same place as the second window.

And you get two windows that show the same thing again.

2. I suggest that you change the order (sort by priority) of message output during compilation. Each time we have to scroll down the list during compilation because the upper part contains lines like 'stderror.mqh', 'stdlib.mqh'.

I would prefer to see errors in the list first, then warnings, and only after that informational and cognitive messages.

3. When a syntax error occurs during compilation, go straight to the place where the error occurred (or the first error if there are several of them). It is very convenient and implemented in all professional IDEs.

But now we have to scroll through the message list, click on the error twice and only then move on to error correction.

4. I really want a case-independent Intellisense.

5. It would be great if this list had its own variables.

6. I would like to see the settings of the Stylizer, so you can customize your own styling code.

7. A small thing, but still. In code, when you press the End key, it is logical to go to the last character of the line (code), even if after the code is still a lot of spaces at the end of the line. This is already implemented with the Home key.

8. When deleting empty lines with Del key (to pull the code up higher). First the spaces in the line are removed (even if the line is empty - without code), and only then the line itself will be removed. It would be more convenient if the line without code was deleted immediately, regardless of how many spaces it has. Just convenient. Or add hotkey delete string, such as Ctrl+L or Ctrl+Y.

Will there be a debugger for MT4? If so, it would be good to add a tooltip showing the variable's value as a tooltip when pointing the mouse cursor over the variable name. It would be very useful. I have to add it to WatchList every time.



// в MQL4  ранее конструкция работала

datetime dT1;
dt = getMySuperSecretTimeForOpenOrder() ; // Вычисляем классное время и дату  для входа
dT1 = dt+86400; // добавим сутки , ибо удержание позиции более 24 часов в стратегии ПРОБОЙ ФЛЕТА, 
                // как показывает практика более выгодная сделка чем тырить с рынка по 10 пипов
GetPr(dT1, ...  // вызываем функцию

// Сама функция
int GetPr(int &DT,...


// в IDE betta пришлось менять
datetime dt; 
datetime dT1;
dt = getMySuperSecretTimeForOpenOrder() ; // Вычисляем классное время и дату  для входа
dT1 = dt+86400; // добавим сутки , ибо удержание позиции более 24 часов в стратегии ПРОБОЙ ФЛЕТА, 
                // как показывает практика более выгодная сделка чем тырить с рынка позорно по 10 пипов
GetPr(datetime &dT1,


int GetPr(datetime &DT,...
In all fast code-oriented compilers switch is integer. For other types you can always build an analog from the if's.

Thanks ok...

Of course, it's not always possible to reread tons of information on the forum.

Something inevitably repeats itself in different places.

Exactly the first page is the topic , I just showed in practice

// Only integer values are now used in the switch operator. It was possible to use real ones before.

Бета версия MetaTrader 4 IDE, включающая в себя новый компилятор MQL4 и редактор
Бета версия MetaTrader 4 IDE, включающая в себя новый компилятор MQL4 и редактор
Теперь при досрочном вычислении логического выражения оставшиеся подвыражения не вычисляются.


4. a register-independent Intellisense is very much wanted.

6. I would like to see the Stylizer settings, so that I can customize my own code styling.

I support everything, and these items - two hands. Especially on the stylizer. My style is very compact (handy for small screen on netbook, which I work with when I'm away), and the styler stretches everything for me. If I could adjust it to suit me, it would be the only thing I'd appreciate.

And yet. For the third time I'm trying to pay attention to this error:

Win7, MetaEditor.Beta.IDE on D drive. I downloaded from the first page of this thread using the link provided in Renat's first post:

Download the zip archive from:

Why such mistake? Is it just me or are there any unfortunate companions?


1. I support everything, and these points with two hands. Especially on the styler. My style is very compact (it's convenient for the small screen of the netbook I work with when I'm away), and the styler stretches everything for me. If I could adjust it to suit me, it would be the only thing I'd appreciate.

And yet. For the third time I'm trying to pay attention to this error:

Win7, MetaEditor.Beta.IDE on D drive. I downloaded from the first page of this thread using the link provided in Renat's first post:

Download the zip archive by following this link:

2. Why is there such an error? Is it just me or are there any unfortunate companions?

1. +1
2. I have one too.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

MetaTrader 4 IDE Beta Version Including New MQL4 Compiler and Editor

sanyooooook, 2013.08.26 12:49

The list of names does not drop out if I start entering the function name from lower case.

ZS: although it's the same in 5

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

MetaTrader 4 IDE Beta Version Including the New MQL4 Compiler and Editor

VladimirSmirnov, 2013.08.28 08:36

The only problem is that autospellings (and autocompletion) of their variables have not existed as before. I have to keep climbing up the code when I forget to use long names, the editor has become even worse, I can not write the service words not at the beginning or with a small letter because autocompletion will not appear then.

Also no buttons Navigate Back, Navigate Forward like in SharpDevelop. In my opinion, very useful buttons, I would like to see.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

MetaTrader 4 IDE Beta Version Including the New MQL4 Compiler and Editor

TheXpert, 2013.08.29 20:53

Renat, I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, why do you have a register-dependent Intelligence? it's terribly inconvenient.
Maybe there's already an answer somewhere?
<br / translate="no">

Why such a mistake? Is it just me or are there other unfortunate companions?

This error has been fixed, will be available for the next upload.

They are unlikely to change the styler.

I use in .bat before committing to Git.

Generally, for professionals, you need a plugin for Eclipse, because MetaEditor's capabilities are not enough for a normal IDE:

  • There is no concept of "Project" - when MetaAssist will offer functions from files connected not directly, but declared global for this project. Yes, this is a multi-level #include!
  • MetaAssist cannot parse function descriptions (DoxyGen in the IDE itself).
  • Finally, Eclipse has many cool plugins for developers that MetaEditor will not implement.

MetaEditor is good only for small scripts...

Uncrustify - Source Code Beautifier for C-like languages
The goals of this project are simple: Create a highly configurable, easily modifiable source code beautifier. Features Ident code, aligning on parens, assignments, etc Align on '=' and variable definitions Align structure initializers Align #define stuff Align backslash-newline stuff Reformat comments (a little bit) Fix inter-character...