Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 8

Although try to find those who win competitions. It seems to me that you will never find a better teacher.
Do you really think so? When taking part in competitions there is only competition and nothing more. There is no place for endurance, equanimity and discipline, the main factors necessary to achieve stable and sustainable results.

Experience as a trader is a long way to go. Paying for a general educational consultation will at least save you a year of time. Look at http://fxneuro.ru/?page_id=11, for a certain amount of money you can get the bare minimum of knowledge you need about exchanges, trading, software, etc. Pure programming is not the trading itself, finding a strategy is more important than programming it. Besides, you will learn very little on Forex. If you want to get a basic course - use contacts at the link above, you will get a "fishing rod" and "catch" you will learn. If you have any articles that need to be implemented in a trading robot or code - write to fxneuro.ru you may formalise and code your trading robot of interest.

p.s. As a matter of fact, someone is unlikely to teach someone, someone who has been trading profitably for a year is unlikely to teach them because there is no point and creating competitors is not good either. If you want to ask questions, you may ask an experienced trader in private, not on the Internet. Ask the questions you are interested in - most likely the more experienced person has already dealt with them.


Strangely enough this even applies to the purely practical aspect of learning mql5. Obviously, I can read the guidebook myself, as well as the articles on this great website. That is, I need a mql5 program from a teacher on how to operate all this amount of data as quickly as possible, with minimal effort.

I do not need to explain what is in the public domain. This is not logical. I'm not a fool, excuse me for this.

By mql5, I am interested in a hierarchical presentation of the material, from simple to complex, but immediately with practical examples and ways to quickly navigate the guide. I doubt that even a super pro can remember all functions, variables, classes by heart, but unlike a beginner, he has a mental reference database of orientation, like a map. If anything, he knows where to look for it and if it is there at all. That is what I am interested in.

Again, I would like to get a bunch of newcomers together and make a group proposal. Put some money together, get some answers and post them in the public domain. This should be beneficial for everyone, including respected MQ, as it popularizes their software and reduces the entry threshold.

mql5 is not c#. mql5 will always be limiting (it will take some time for it to become clear). mql5 also does not have the necessary functions to study series. the training you are interested in is not a mass service technology, so the offer is not very big, but it is there. Seminars in DC are very weak material, it is not suitable for those who are going to trade all the time, it is rather to learn a little about the DC itself and not about the market. The seminars in DC do not talk about research results, for example the fact that the US starts wars when it needs to increase government spending and that the war in Syria is starting now means that the US economy will most probably look better and then the interest rates will start to increase (the dollar will start to rise). If you have questions that you would be willing to pay to answer, send me a list of questions and I may be able to provide the necessary information (not for the entire internet).

I am sceptical of traders who tell the whole internet about their trading methods, because the market is a highly competitive environment, and I do not understand how teachers compensate for the reduced profits of their systems by telling everyone about them.


Thank you for the offer, but spent 2 months studying the materials, just feeling the pulse of the market, so life took its toll, my parents ordered to look for work urgently, made fun of my motivation to become a great investor, arranged on ipodrom to work so far, help take care of the elite stallions on the blag. It turned out to look after the horse more profitable than selling network products and teach her to sell, it turns out to put aside 2-3 hundred dollars a month, if I'm attentive and obedient, then maybe he groom will become and a year or other pump for a normal depot, without anyone's handouts.

And learn a profession that's always in demand. I have never dreamt of mastering an artwork with elite horses. And what people sometimes come in.... A good groom is just like a good butler, if he does not lose his way at the right time, he is very promising as a future Svezky lion. The main thing is to have an approach to the gentlemen and the horses themselves. And then it's like The Great Gatsby.


Thanks for the offer, but after spending 2 months studying the materials, just feeling the pulse of the market, so life took its toll, my parents ordered to look for work urgently, made fun of my motivation to become a great investor, arranged on ipodrom to work so far, help take care of the elite stallions on the blag. It turned out to look after the horse more profitable than selling network products and train them to sell, it turns out to put aside 2-3 hundred dollars a month, if I'm attentive and obedient, it can groom myself become and a year or so another pump for a normal depot, without anyone's handouts.

And learn a profession that's always in demand. I have never even dreamed of mastering an artwork with such intrigues and intricacies of people's souls. And what people sometimes come in.... A good groom is just like a good butler, if he does not lose his way at the right time, he is very promising as a future Svezky lion. The main thing is to have an approach to the gentlemen and the horses themselves. And then it's like The Great Gatsby.

That's right. Not everyone here is an IT specialist and an economics professor. One yosuf and that's it. Most are at best sisa-dmins, stable boys, cynologists, sheep breeders who have learned the basics of procedural coding in order to make themselves important.


Thank you for the offer, but spent 2 months studying the materials, just feeling the pulse of the market, so life took its toll, my parents ordered to look for work urgently, made fun of my motivation to become a great investor, arranged on ipodrom to work so far, help take care of the elite stallions on the blag. It turned out to look after the horse more profitable than selling network products and train them to sell, it turns out to put aside 2-3 hundred dollars a month, if I'm attentive and obedient, it can groom myself become and a year or so another pump for a normal depot, without anyone's handouts.

And learn a profession that's always in demand. I have never even dreamed of mastering an artwork with such intrigues and intricacies of people's souls. And what people sometimes come in.... A good groom is just like a good butler, if he does not lose his way at the right time, he is very promising as a future Svezky lion. The main thing is to have an approach to the gentlemen and the horses themselves. And then it's like The Great Gatsby.


You got the right advice about the job, as I understand you're still relatively young :) On forex it is better to forget, trading is Russian shares. You can read courses on preparing for the USE in mathematics, then Bulashev S. В. "Statistics for Traders". At once such books (especially USE :) ) are usually not very interesting. As for two months, you can study Forex for much longer... Better the Russian stock, at least if you learn to trade, maybe find a job at a bank or a broker. Forex forums are updated fairly steadily, the question is why forum users leave the forums, - no profit, basically the most important reason. For trading in general it is better to get together at least two people - one who like ideas and formalization and the second who coding, better more than 2 people, like 3 or 4, because at first there are usually no trading ideas or time for programming, "team" like faster passes the learning at this stage.

You also need money for studies, reading books (on the same USE) is not the same as studying with the teacher.

My humble imho.


That's right. Not everyone here is an IT specialist or an economics professor. Just yosuf and that's it. Most are at best sisa-dmins, stable boys, cynologists, sheep breeders who learned the basics of procedural coding in order to make themselves important.

This is not a problem in principle. The market is also changing, i.e. hypothetically those who know the market "very well" may not be there at all :)


That's right. Not everyone here is an IT specialist or an economics professor. Just yosuf and that's it. Most are at best sisa-dmins, stablemen, cynologists, sheep breeders who have learned the basics of procedural coding in order to make themselves important.

Your judgement is strange. I, for one, am neither a professor of economics nor an IT specialist. But I was approached by Yusufkhoja many times to ask for help with programming.

Is this nonsense from your point of view?

ZS. My purpose is far from being as trivial as you put it. Don't get emotional, OK?


Your judgement is strange. I, for example, am neither a professor of economics nor an IT specialist. However, Yusufkhoja has, on more than one occasion, asked me for help specifically with programming.

Is this nonsense from your point of view?

ZS. My purpose is far from being as trivial as you put it. Hold your emotions, OK?

That this forex, in contrast to the stock information is at least 3 times less. The correlation between currencies erects this deterioration in at least a cube. :) If the quotes of the same shares may somehow be different on different stock exchanges, than on the Forex, why do you ask where they come from and who draws them for all :) Pings to the servers of DC as much as 70 ms or more, ie quotes in Vladivostok actually comes in a second after the update, during this time, the market could have changed several times but the broker for some reason persistently fills orders at these old prices (where do they get them) :) In principle the brokerage network is so non-trading that it is probably hepothetically possible to find one old price at one broker and another at another and sell to one and buy from another, i.e., arbitrage on bad network ... :)

My humble imho


That this forex, unlike stock information, is at least 3 times smaller. The correlation between currencies erects this deterioration at least into a cube. :) If on different stock exchanges for some reason the quotes for the same stocks may be different, on the Forex market they are not, so I ask where do the quotes come from and who draws them for all :) Pings to the servers of DC as much as 70 ms or more, ie quotes in Vladivostok actually comes in a second after the update, during this time, the market could have changed several times but the broker for some reason persistently fills orders at these old prices (where do they get them) :) In principle the brokerage network is so non-trading that it is probably hepothetically possible to find one old price at one broker and another at another and sell to one and buy from another, i.e. arbitrage on bad network... :)

My humble imho

And this arbitrage requires three hundred thousand dollars, and that's without the cost of the equipment : )