MQL5 training - page 21


There's a broker called Hedge Total. They solved the locking problem in the 5th Metatrader

they've solved it very simply.

introduced another instrument duplicating the main pair with the same bid and ask

but with a slightly different ending to the name.

you can buy one pair and sell another... So, here's the LOC...

What if I need 3 poses? Or 4? The question is no longer for you, it's just a cry from the heart. Metakvotov in general I do not understand WHY all this creativity? Make it normal with CCA orders and everything will be fine. Renat said it is not good for brokers, but if they go for such schemes, it means they are not so against it.
Mischek, you have confused this thread with this one. The topic of boobs is probably covered there...

I'm not confused. Theoretically I am your potential client.

Periodically, a couple of times a year, I get the silly idea of learning the language so as not to bother people at the weekend.

It's silly because it's a blessing. You either need to know the language to the level of TheXpert , Integer , Komposter , sergeev and a few others or don't spend any time on it.

Furthermore, knowing the subject doesn't mean that you can teach it. It must be like in medicine, the main principle is do no harm.

But understanding of the subject is very questionable in your case, your question to Andrei is enough.

denkir 2012.04.07 12:19 #

What's in the video has nothing to do with the lock. And it has nothing to do with solving the problem that needs locs either.

Can you expand on your arguments?

This is not counting the fact that you have not yet decided on the format of the teaching.

And this is the first issue, if you want to teach for money.

Therefore, crawling back into the branch where you sent me and you continue with the theme - "Teach me how I can teach you for your money" .


I'm not confused. Theoretically, I'm your potential client...

Very good :-))

And what kind of language problems are you interested in?

...You either need to know the language at the level of TheXpert, Integer, Komposter, sergeev and a few others or don't spend any time on it at all.

Further, knowing the subject does not mean being able to teach it. It should be like in medicine, the main principle is do no harm.

But understanding of the subject is just a question mark in your case, your question to Andrey is enough.

Yes, I absolutely agree with you about "do no harm". So what I mean is this. It seems that MQ is going to introduce some kind of testing methodology for "experts" with awarding them a deserved level... I'll be one of the first to get my hands on that piece of paper myself.

That's not counting the fact that you still haven't decided on the teaching format.

That's the first question, if you want to teach for money.

Therefore, I am crawling into a branch where you sent me, and you continue the theme - "Teach me how to teach you for your money".

Well, that's a little too much, imho... The format's all settled... and that's not the name of the topic... don't go to extremes!


Dear forum users, a big request to you! In the branch created by the author, to discuss the topic !!!

After all, it is possible to create your own topics ... Including for trolling

Forgive us, but it has become a custom in this forum that the author's question is of secondary importance compared to the problems raised by the discussion in the thread in question. And while you're certainly within your rights to throw around labels like "trolling", don't forget about forum traditions :) Otherwise, most of the threads on the forum would have to be considered trollish.
Forgive us, but it has become a tradition on this forum that the author's question is of secondary importance compared to the issues raised in the discussion in the relevant thread. You're entitled to put up a label like "trolling", of course, but don't forget about forum traditions :) Otherwise, we'll have to consider most of the threads trolling.
Yedelkin, you'll excuse me for my note like that. Many of the questions that pop up during discussions are of great interest (including to me). But I don't intend to discuss the subject of tits here. That's what I asked some comrades to do...
Yedelkin, you will excuse me for posting such a note. Many of the issues that come up in the discussion are of great interest (including to me). But I don't intend to discuss the subject of tits here. That's what I asked some comrades to do.
I understand the disproportion :)
Yedelkin, you're the one who's sorry for my note like that. Many questions that pop up along the way are of great interest (including for me). But I don't intend to discuss the subject of tits here. That's what I asked some comrades to do...

"No boob theme" (c) means there is no substance or purpose to the material. Anything but the point.

Or do you really think you were asked for real boobs?


"No boob theme" (c) means there is no substance or purpose to the material. Anything but the point.

Or do you really think you were asked for real boobs?

Didn't you just leave? :-))

You and I didn't both learn from the same primers, apparently...

"Our shared childhood was spent in the same alphabetical books, so we don't need to explain anything to anyone...

-Alexey-: I can send you a procedurally designed multicurrency kernel if you're interested (works by open bar). The code is written for 4, but it will work on 5 as well - you can compare the performance of both variants on it.
-Alexey-, if you send it to me at the same time (just to look, to compare it with your torment), I will be grateful.
-Alexey-, if you send it to me at the same time (just to look at it, to compare it with my own tortures), I would be grateful.
Comrades MKL-types, and you have led me to the thought unwittingly - I'll put it in the market in a five-color version, and the people benefit and I'm good :)