Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 686


Guys! By helping the old MT4 terminal, the support and development of which has been stopped, you are doing a disservice to users - those who have been stuck on MT4 will then have many times more difficulties with the transition - they will find themselves thrown to the wayside. You continue not to see the obvious and turn a blind eye to the fait accompli - the era of MetaTrader 5 has arrived.

Try to finally put aside your self-interest.

Vladimir Karputov:

Guys! By helping the old MT4 terminal, the support and development of which has been stopped, you are doing a disservice to users - those who have been stuck on MT4 will then have many times more difficulties with the transition - they will find themselves thrown to the wayside. You continue not to see the obvious and turn a blind eye to the fait accompli - the era of MetaTrader 5 has arrived.

Try to put your self-interest aside for once.

Where is it written that the support is discontinued? Give me a link.

By continuing to help the most popular MT4 terminal so far, we continue to support interest in both MT4 and later MT5 platforms.

Who do you think is doing the right thing here?

  • You, who is referring to the pro-mother of the person who asked the question on MT4. Once, the second time, and on the third he will send you along with the forum and the resource
  • Or me, helping in such a way that the code is as compatible as possible with F5 (just look in my thread for once) and saying that I'm making the code this way on purpose to make it easier to switch to F5. Then people will continue to come back and ask, and not only about 4. Especially when you tell them what can't be done at 4, but can be done at 5, and they need to do it...

So which one of us is really helping people who you say are stuck on MT4 to switch to MT5? (Not trading on the most mainstream platform, but "overextended" - you make me laugh)

- You, by blithely dismissing everyone and everything if the question isn't about MT5 ?
- Or me, scrupulously prescribing the code for the four, so that people get used to programming on the five, because I do the code for the five as much as possible?

The answer is obvious - me.

The answer is yes, it's me. And what about self-interest - you made a huge pile of threads, the essence of which - "newbie questions", and you get rating points for it - people communicate there, and the points drip into your bankroll.

ZS. "You" is a friendly word... Of course you can be offended by that too...

ZZZI. So, on the sidelines, you are already trying to throw them all to the mother of god with the questions on the four, while we, helping and directing in the right direction, trying to keep them all the same resource. It's obvious.

ZZZZZ... but there are less and less of "us" left here - not everyone will tolerate your attacks and constant bans for no reason. Child's play...

I've got a nerve...

Vladimir Karputov:

Guys! By helping the old MT4 terminal, the support and development of which has been stopped, you are doing a disservice to users - those who have been stuck on MT4 will then have many times more difficulties with the transition - they will find themselves thrown to the wayside. You continue not to see the obvious and turn a blind eye to the fait accompli - the era of MetaTrader 5 has arrived.

Try to put your selfishness aside at last.

You have "moderator" written under your name.

Have you now made a statement/call as an official, i.e. on behalf of MetaQuotes?

I just don't understand:

-- updates to MT4 are coming out -- both mobile and fixed terminal

-- the forum where MT4 was discussed -- has moved to as a separate section -- and the comments were from administration: "outdated forum engine"

-- on every brokerage company you can easily open a trading account and download mt4 terminal

-- in the marketplace/freelance/signals/codabase/articles resource -- without restrictions and additional warnings accept MT4

And then, such a statement from a resource member with the status of "moderator".

I am at a loss -- I am a long time MetaQuotes loyal user and an active (as I understand it myself) member of the resource -- and I should understand -- is your statement the official opinion of MetaQuotes, or a private opinion?

Please explain.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, then a topic-worthy question: where can I find a normal mql4 helper or tutorial? The built-in one is not willing to open its bugs and secrets, and the details are not appropriate.

Although I know one Russian company that translates Pascal syntax into Russian and swap commas with parentheses, and for the perversion of programmers from the right path is trying to get some money.

Like only 20 rubles we will make a human out of your programmer, to the cost of training it is necessary to send this non-programmer to Bratsk, paying the ticket in 2 directions and living in a hotel for a week.

But that is not the point, so many undocumented possibilities turned out in the body (i.e. know-how with its own language), that it was easier to do the same thing on Siemens, and what is characteristically cheaper.

So I got carried away.

But the subject is the same.

I am struggling with mql4 and do not have a decent help. Now I hope they will not change the example (OrderSelect by SELECT_BY_POS which order is the last placed or the first? I try it both ways but the error of modification #0 still appears)

You too lazy to write two strings and check? Better on the forum angrily scribbling messagi? Then go on suffering.
That's about it a question, every statement in the manual a couple of lines to check? We kind of wrote something - but you check it is not as written?
Vasiliy Danilov:

Moved to
Вопросы от начинающих MQL4 MT4 MetaTrader 4
Вопросы от начинающих MQL4 MT4 MetaTrader 4
Если у Вас вопросы по MQL4, MT4, MetaTrader 4, пожалуйста пишите в этой теме. Особенно когда вопросы касаются торговых функций...

How can I get rid of all autotrade marks on the chart? Can this function be disabled altogether? I just make a lot of pyramid trades with the panel and they get in my way.

Gennadiy Stanilevych:

How can I get rid of all autotrade marks on the chart? Can this function be disabled altogether? I just make a lot of pyramid trades with the panel and they get in my way.

Here are all the options:how to remove the signatures of completed trades?
Vladimir Karputov:
Here are all the options:how do I remove the signatures of completed transactions?
Vladimir Karputov:

Guys! By helping the old MT4 terminal, the support and development of which has been stopped, you are doing a disservice to users - those who have been stuck on MT4 will then have many times more difficulties with the transition - they will find themselves thrown to the wayside. You continue not to see the obvious and turn a blind eye to the fait accompli - the era of MetaTrader 5 has arrived.

Try to finally put your self-interest aside.

What about brokers who don't have mt5?
What about brokers who don't have mt5?
Brokers who still don't have MetaTrarder 5 are a dead end in the evolution of brokers. They will die out like dinosaurs, along with their clients' money.