How to set the width of the Curve


How To Use  LineAA   function Set width of the Curve?

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2021_XXXX: How To Use  LineAA   function Set width of the Curve?Thank you...

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Fernando Carreiro #:

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//|                                                                      4.mq5 |
//|                                Copyright 2017, Alexander Fedosov |
//|                  |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017, Alexander Fedosov"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_plots 0
#property indicator_chart_window

#include <CustomGUI\CustomGUI.mqh>
CLineGraph ind;
int InpInd_Handle;
double rsi[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//---- get the indicator handle
      Print("Failed to get indicator handle");

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

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//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set the input array | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CLineGraph::SetArrayValue(double &data[]) { int y0,y1; //--- Create the graph frame and backdrop m_canvas.FillRectangle(0,0,XSize(),YSize(),ColorToARGB(m_border_color,m_transparency)); m_canvas.FillRectangle(1,1,XSize()-2,YSize()-2,ColorToARGB(m_bg_color,m_transparency)); //--- Create axes and graph background m_canvas.FillRectangle(m_gap-1,m_gap-1,XSize()-m_gap+1,YSize()-m_gap+1,ColorToARGB(m_border_color,m_transparency)); m_canvas.FillRectangle(m_gap,m_gap,XSize()-m_gap,YSize()-m_gap,ColorToARGB(m_bg_graph_color,m_transparency)); //--- If the maximum data array value exceeds the upper Y border, the axis is scaled. if(data[ArrayMaximum(data)]>m_y_max) m_y_max=data[ArrayMaximum(data)]; //--- Create axis scales and their values VerticalScale(m_y_min,m_y_max,m_num_grid); HorizontalScale(ArraySize(data)); //--- Create the graph by the data array for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(data)-1; i++) { y0=int((YSize()-2*m_gap)*(1-data[i]/m_y_max)); y0=int((YSize()-m_gap)-(YSize()-2*m_gap)/m_y_max*data[i]); y0=(y0<m_gap)?m_gap:y0; y1=int((YSize()-m_gap)-(YSize()-2*m_gap)/m_y_max*data[i+1]); y1=(y1<m_gap)?m_gap:y1; m_canvas.LineAA(m_x[i+1],y0,m_x[i+2],y1,ColorToARGB(m_graph_color,m_transparency),STYLE_SOLID); m_canvas.FillCircle(m_x[i+1],y0,2,ColorToARGB(m_graph_color,m_transparency));//r 画圆的大小 m_canvas.FillCircle(m_x[i+2],y1,2,ColorToARGB(m_graph_color,m_transparency));//r 画圆的大小 } m_canvas.Update(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Draw line with antialiasing (with style) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CCanvas::LineAA(const int x1,const int y1,const int x2,const int y2,const uint clr,const uint style) { //--- line is out of image boundaries if((x1<0 && x2<0) || (y1<0 && y2<0)) return; if(x1>=m_width && x2>=m_width) return; if(y1>=m_height && y2>=m_height) return; //--- check if(x1==x2 && y1==y2) { PixelSet(x1,y1,clr); return; } //--- set the line style uint prev_style=m_style; if(style!=UINT_MAX) LineStyleSet(style); //--- preliminary calculations double dx=x2-x1; double dy=y2-y1; double xy=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); double xx=x1; double yy=y1; uint mask=1<<m_style_idx; //--- set pixels dx/=xy; dy/=xy; do { if((m_style&mask)==mask) { PixelSetAA(xx,yy,clr); } xx+=dx; yy+=dy; mask<<=1; if(mask==0x1000000) mask=1; } while(fabs(x2-xx)>=fabs(dx) && fabs(y2-yy)>=fabs(dy)); //--- set last pixel if((m_style&mask)==mask) { PixelSetAA(x2,y2,clr); } //--- set the previous line style if(style!=UINT_MAX) m_style=prev_style; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
How to upload pictures?
2021_XXXX # :
How to upload pictures?

You have a very low rating, so you cannot insert a picture into your message (you do not have a button Image), but you can attach an image using the button Attach file.



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2021_XXXX #: Curve.mq5

You have still not explained in detail what it is you want help with.

You seem to be using a library provided by the following Article: Developing custom indicators using CCanvas class

If you want help with how to use that graphics library code, then please post your query in that article's discussion: Discussion of article "Developing custom indicators using CCanvas class"

But remember to describe your query in detail and images if possible. Attach the images files to your post if you unable to add them directly to the post.