Errors, bugs, questions - page 1130

Upgrade to 930 build in full, please.
Upgrade to 930 build in full, please.

Good afternoon. I have updated to build 930. I have the following problem: StringSplit method adds an extra empty field to the resulting array.

If you execute the script:

   ushort fields_delimiter=StringGetCharacter("_",0);
   string str="_мама_мыла_раму_";
   string str_array[];
   int fields_num=StringSplit(str,fields_delimiter,str_array);
   for(int i=0;i<fields_num;i++)Print("str_array["+i+"] = "+str_array[i]);

The result will be:

  str_array[0] =

  str_array[1] = мама

  str_array[2] = мыла

  str_array[3] = раму

  str_array[4] =

Item under index 4 should not be there. Before upgrade everything was working, after upgrade the number of fields in a row does not add up when comparing. Have to check array elements for empty string.


Good afternoon. I have updated to build 930. I have the following problem: StringSplit method adds an extra empty field to the resulting array.

If you execute the script:

   ushort fields_delimiter=StringGetCharacter("_",0);
   string str="_мама_мыла_раму_";
   string str_array[];
   int fields_num=StringSplit(str,fields_delimiter,str_array);
   for(int i=0;i<fields_num;i++)Print("str_array["+i+"] = "+str_array[i]);

What we get as a result:

  str_array[0] =

  str_array[1] = мама

  str_array[2] = мыла

  str_array[3] = раму

  str_array[4] =

There should be no item under index 4. Before update everything was working, after update the number of fields in the string is not converging in comparison. I have to check array elements for an empty string.

This is correct.

It used to count tokens incorrectly in such cases. Just don't put extra separators.

Can you send the source code to servisdesk?
Sorry to take so long, but the source code has been sent to Service Desk.

By the way, a new problem: after upgrading to the new build, all static variables are now unresolved. And on two independent terminals and from any previous (previously working) commit.

Anyone else has faced this problem? How to fix it?


By the way, a new problem: after upgrading to the new build, all static variables are now unresolved. And on two independent terminals and from any previous (previously working) commit.

Anyone else has faced this problem? How to fix it?

Can you give me some simplified code to reproduce the problem?

By the way, a new problem: after upgrading to the new build, all static variables are now unresolved. And on two independent terminals and from any previous (previously working) commit.

Anyone else has faced this problem? How to fix it?

It is now mandatory to place static members.

class CFoo
   static int     m_x;

int CFoo::m_x=10;         <<--- размещение статического члена
It is now compulsory to place static members.

Better yet, try to avoid using them.

Help why I do not see new products in the terminal in the market and do not buy or check new products on the site, what's the problem?
Why have new products stopped appearing in the terminal in the Market and I can't buy or check new products through the site?
If you have just added your product to Market, it will appear in the terminal with a delay of about a day. If the products are not in the Market - check if the product has been sent to "Draft" and a moderator's comment appeared on it.