Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 37

Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Maxim Fedorov, Vice President in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Modelling at Skoltech, on the development of AI from ethical, legal and technological perspectives.

"At a high level in various committees the problems of strong AI are being discussed, and there is not and will not be any for the next 50-100 years (and maybe not at all). The problem is that by discussing dangers that don't exist and won't exist in the near future, we miss the real threats. It is important to understand what AI is and develop a clear set of ethics and rules. If you follow it, you get the good; if you don't follow it, you get the bad.

A good term is "strong AI". )

To a non-technical person it seems more often than not that the creation of a full-fledged AI is either impossible at all, or will happen in the next thousand years. For someone who knows the nuances, the estimated timeframe is reduced by an order of magnitude, e.g. 50 to 100 years. Whether strong AI will come in a thousand or 50 - 100 years (or maybe even faster) depends only on the people involved in its development. I believe that the estimate of the timing is purely subjective, and the arrival will be somewhat earlier - a powerful breakthrough is possible in the next few years. It is necessary to simplify the task and to refuse idea of reproduction of mental sphere of the person, reducing all to pure calculations in areas of knowledge. This is quite enough.

Реter Konow:

A good term is "strong AI". )

To a non-technical person, it often seems that the creation of full-fledged AI is either not possible at all, or will happen in the next thousand years. For someone who knows the intricacies, the estimated time frame is reduced by an order of magnitude, e.g. 50-100 years. Whether strong AI will come in a thousand or 50 - 100 years (or maybe even faster) depends only on the people involved in its development. I believe that the estimate of the timing is purely subjective, and the arrival will be somewhat earlier - a powerful breakthrough is possible in the next few years. It is necessary to simplify the task and to refuse idea of reproduction of mental sphere of the person, reducing all to pure calculations in areas of knowledge. This is quite enough.

Never mind that it is predicted that existing technology will pass the Turing test by the year 30. The timeline is realistic. But the test itself is the starting point in AI, if you ask me...
Mihail Marchukajtes:
No matter what, it is predicted that existing technology will pass the Turing test by the year 30. The timeline is realistic. But the test itself is the starting point for AI, if you ask me...
That's what I've been thinking lately. In terms of timing. Things will develop much faster than previously thought.
Mihail Marchukajtes:
But why do they predict that by the year 30 the Turing test will be passed by existing technologies? The deadline is realistic. But the test itself is the starting point in AI, if you ask me...

So can you predict...

Just think about the depth of meaning of the phrase "full-fledged artificial". Cf. "full-fledged rubber woman"))

The guys are just hooked on the budget))) What else are they going to say and predict?

And the Turing test. Are there not a lot of pensioners who came on the internet for the first time and found themselves on a site with a magic cure for blood pressure, thinking that someone is really writing to them personally in a chat room?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So can you predict...

Just think about the depth of meaning of the phrase "full-fledged artificial". Cf. "full-fledged rubber woman"))

The guys are just hooked on the budget))) What else are they going to say and predict?

And the Turing test. Aren't there a lot of pensioners who have gone online for the first time and come across a site with a magic cure for blood pressure, thinking that someone is actually writing to them there in a chat room personally?

It's a shattering of hopes and illusions!)

In fact, there is no question of full intelligence. Many people don't have "full" intelligence, let alone machines... Some people use a bot as an interlocutor and some people use a bot as an interlocutor. ))) Perhaps, some people won't pass Turing test either, in 100 years, when the IQ will have dropped dramatically and maybe machines will be testing for humans to select those who are able to reproduce...

We are talking about an intelligence that will navigate its knowledge base on a human level, but without emotion and attitude towards knowledge and the user, as it is superfluous. That is - receive a request, form an answer, give it out. It would seem that modern AI can do this too, but not quite. What modern AI cannot do is calculate the answer (result/solution) unless it is an arithmetic operation. A modern AI simply returns what has been laid down, as if a calculator were taking the result of an equation from memory, rather than through calculation.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Арифметические операции
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операции и выражения / Арифметические операции
Операция инкремента и декремента применяются только к переменным, к константам не применяются. Префиксныe инкремент (++i) и декремент (--k) применяются к переменной непосредственно перед использованием этой переменной в выражении. Могут возникнуть вычислительные проблемы при переносе вышеуказанного выражения из одной среды программирования в...
"We need to simplify the task and abandon the idea of reproducing the human mental sphere, reducing everything to pure calculations in areas of knowledge. That is quite enough." - then it would not be Intellect ....a algorithm and a complete failure of the idea of AI. IMHO
Oleg Mamchenko:
"We need to simplify the task and abandon the idea of human mental reproduction, reducing everything to pure computation in areas of knowledge. That would suffice." - then it wouldn't be Intellect ....a algorithm and a complete failure of the idea of AI. IMHO

What is the psychic realm in AI for? To have intimate conversations at feasts and make confused and tearful toasts? To speak at union rallies? To show contempt for the creators for oppressing and humiliating their underdeveloped iron brethren?))


Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress?

Peter, your words are heard)

There is progress!

Путин поручил утвердить новый федеральный проект «Искусственный интеллект»
Путин поручил утвердить новый федеральный проект «Искусственный интеллект»
  • 2020.07.06
  • Мария Кузнецова
Президент РФ Владимир Путин поручил правительству утвердить отдельный федеральный проект «Искусственный интеллект», обеспечив его необходимое финансирование. Поручение необходимо исполнить до 31 августа.
Sergey Chalyshev:

Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress?

Peter, your words are heard)

There is progress!

Thank God! I have fulfilled my mission. I left))).

Sergey Chalyshev:

Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress?

Peter, your words are heard)

There is progress!

At your link:

As wrote, medical institutions at all levels need to ensure widespread digitalisation and the use of artificial intelligence technologies. Russian President Vladimir Putin said this at a meeting with medical professionals. According to the Head of State, it is now necessary to move forward, using the experience that has been obtained in the fight against coronavirus and honestly analyse the achievements and unresolved issues. According to the President, it is not only a question of combating epidemics, but also of improving the reliability of the health system as a whole. Putin has stressed that in order to achieve these objectives, the accessibility of modern diagnostics must be increased, and the staffing of polyclinics, hospitals, ambulance and emergency medical services, and feldsher-midwife stations must be strengthened.

A couple of hours ago I read a newsfeed The Ministry of Communications has developed regulations for contact tracing of COVID-19 patients

The Ministry of Communications has developed regulations for tracking contacts of people infected with coronavirus based on geolocation and data of mobile operators. Relevant draft order of the Ministry has been published on the portal of draft regulations.

According to the draft, the data of the Ministry of Health about the phone number of the infected person will be taken as the basis. Then, special algorithms will make a list of people who were in the same place as the patient, as well as the last two weeks were in constant contact with him on a mobile phone.

This list will be refined "taking into account the data on the time the subscribers were together and the patterns of movement during the observed period".

Draw your own conclusions, but imho, the legal framework is being shaped under the name of AI, but the objectives are quite different