Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 44

Two poor people decided to become rich without working all at once. One wrote the other a bill of exchange for a million dollars, and the other wrote a receipt saying that he would pay back a million dollars for the bill by the deadline. So they became rich brokers overnight.)
I would like to caution all AI developers - this is a "leper" topic. The bubble of myths, fictions, conspiracy theories and outright nonsense is incredibly bloated and if someone makes even a slightest serious breakthrough, Pandora's Box will open and the paranoia of governments of states will boil over, intelligence agencies will become active, a flood of accusations of all sins will flow towards AI and its inventors from everywhere, while AI itself may be limited, weak and unable to develop independently. There will be no glory, but there will be hell to pay.

And if the AI causes millions of people to lose their jobs, its creators will take on their hatred and curses. Their lives will become a nightmare.
Реter Konow:
I want to caution all AI developers - this is a "leper" subject. The bubble of myths, fictions, conspiracy theories and outright nonsense is incredibly bloated and if anyone makes even a slightest serious breakthrough, Pandora's Box will open and the paranoia of state governments will stir, intelligence agencies will be activated, a flood of accusations of all sins will pour out towards AI and its inventors from everywhere, while AI itself may be limited, weak and unable to develop independently. There will be no glory, but there will be hell to pay.

And if the AI causes millions of people to lose their jobs, its creators will take on their hatred and curses. Their lives will become a nightmare.

Peter, are you (your posts) sure you are not the spawn of AI?

It's a bit too formulaic. A play on words into which any term can be substituted.

Shall we try? :

I want to warn all AI developers eggheads - this is a "leprosy" topic. The bubble of myths, fabrications, conspiracy theories and outright nonsense is incredibly bloated and if someone makes even a slightest serious breakthrough, Pandora's Box will open and the paranoia of governments will boil over, intelligence agencies will become active, a flood of accusations of all sins will pour out towards AI and its inventors - poultry farmsand farmers from everywhere, while AI itself may be limited, weak and unable to develop independently. There will be no glory, but there will be hell to pay.

And if the AI egg causes millions of people to lose their jobs, its creators and customers will take their hatred and curses upon themselves. Their lives will become a nightmare.
Maxim Kuznetsov:


Chicken brains. ;)
Реter Konow:
I would like to warn all AI developers - this is a "leper" topic.

You have an exuberant imagination and a penchant for typing excessive amounts of letters. You should write books on fantasy subjects, like flying to the moon. For example - once in a cold, winter time, I sat in the cottage, it was a hard frost, I look up slowly uphill moon from behind the forest - that's the story! And then develop this preamble in the style of flights in dreams and in reality - about a meeting with an alien artificial intelligence and sacred revelations received from him. World bestseller probably get - try it.

In all seriousness, the development of artificial information processing systems is going through roughly the same stages as biological information processing systems have gone through. Accordingly, to understand the perspectives of the former, it is better to trace the evolutionary path of the latter.
Inventors should fear the philistine stupidity of the consumer crowd, which will prevent them from recognizing, understanding and adequately perceiving the nature, capabilities and its (AI's) limitations, and will generate (already generating) delusions, fears and wrong conclusions. In turn, news that one country has a technical military advantage in the form of intelligent, developing (at least in theory) system technology will destabilise political relations between all countries. The paranoia of populations and governments will arise and grow. The inventors of AI will be "capped" all at once and will not be given any freedom at all. They will not be able to travel the world, to vacation without security and surveillance, to live a normal life.

It is not for nothing that during the Soviet era many engineers were banned and the names of key space and military developers were classified, but for the creators of AI it will be much worse - everyone will know them. They will be in the public eye and they will be treated as the perpetrators of all the evil on the planet.

P.S. Ignoramuses are already burning down 5G towers, but what will be going on in their heads when they invent AI?
And yes, today's economy is built so that millions of people can't go out of work, the consumer society is based on consumers. If AI were to dramatically increase productivity (which is debatable), millions of people would simply move to other occupations, such as massaging virtual kittens' bellies, or managing trading robots at the stock exchange.
And yes, today's economy is built so that millions of people cannot lose their jobs, a consumer based society. If AI were to dramatically increase labour productivity (which is very debatable) then millions of people would simply move into other occupations, such as massaging virtual kittens' bellies or operating trading robots at the stock exchange.
The question is not economics, but the consequences that will "fall" on the inventors of AI. They will be locked up and imprisoned by the state, and ordinary people will be blamed for EVERYTHING.

To the "blacks" AI is like the devil - the new culprit of all evil on earth.
Indeed, sometimes it seems that some forum members have artificial intelligence