Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2434


Here especially for you Max)

I got it, in my tester it didn't work on the new data

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I got it, in my tester it didn't work on the new data

So ok...

And with entropy I still do not understand, it cannot be applied to regularities of this type, entropy is for cyclic time series, which can be described by harmonics for example, if I'm not mistaken.


So OK.

And with entropy I did not understand, it does not apply to laws of this type, entropy for cyclic time series, which can be described by harmonics for example if I am not mistaken.

I don't understand why you're listening to him. He can't create anything worthwhile, his EA is sinking, and you are raising him to the rank of an idol. Maxim is a common crook, do you want to be like him?

I understand if he had a success story behind him, but so far he has only a history of fraud, he cannot teach anybody anything.


I do not understand why you listen to him. He can't create anything worthwhile, his adviser leaks, and you're elevating him to the rank of an idol. Maxim is a common crook, do you want to be like him?

I understand if he had a success story behind him.

The Expert Advisor cannot dump lots of money, it only gives advice.

A trading robot can drain.

How many tantrums can you throw?

Dmytryi Nazarchuk:

The Expert Advisor cannot drain, it only advises.

A trading robot can drain.

How much hysteria can you throw?

Why the hysteria, just real facts, nothing more. It is true whether you like it or not.


Why the hysteria, just real facts, nothing superfluous. The truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

An advisor cannot leak, he only advises.

Stop being hysterical.

Dmytryi Nazarchuk:

An advisor can not drain - he only advises.

Enough with the hysteria.

Once again, only true and real facts reflecting Maksim's total professional incompetence on a daily basis


By the way, if anyone knows how to solve the issue of deformation of the vertical scale function, I would be grateful...

the question here

non-linearly compression decompression "x" and "y" axis in vector/time series
non-linearly compression decompression "x" and "y" axis in vector/time series
  • 2021.07.18
  • mr.T
Can I do the same for the horizontal axis ? something like this Maybe there is a package that does such conversions? Thank you

Again, only true, real facts reflecting Maksim's complete professional failure on a daily basis

He supports an unnecessary branch, counting on newbies who will believe and buy some bullshit for 300 bucks.

I don't weigh the grafts because I don't have them in my "knowledge base". I don't have them yet, I have everything done in the form of images, like a person.

Where do the percentages of probability come from then? Or purely, since more than half of the patterns moved up and turned around, the percentage is 50+?

As I understand it, just looking for the maximum and minimum of peak ZZ essentially with a certain tolerance, which is the limits.

From what metric do you do scale conversions to scale historical developments?

Are these probabilities stored with two coordinates describing the final pivot point, or do you store the entire path of price movement?

I used something similar to Take Profit - I took a dozen different levels from which a rebounce occurred on the history and averaged their values - there were different approaches.

I think your method is also good for take profit or MM switch, as well as may be a good nettler for those levels.