Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1152

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The professor says interesting things, but it seems that his sarcastic attitude to the IT-sphere acts as a big limitation of his views, because it would be very strange to deny certain successes of informatization in recent years, and in fact nobody seriously claims that modern binary calculators can think like a human, of course not...


But it seems that his sarcastic attitude towards the IT sphere is a big limitation of his views

I don't think the presenter is referring to the IT sphere, but to "technology in the hands of a savage is a piece of metal".


Has anyone tried it?

Igor Makanu:

I don't think the presenter is referring to the IT sphere, but to "technology in the hands of a savage is a piece of metal."

Maybe it's this attitude to consumerism in IT, to the cult of the biting apple and the green robot, it's normal, but it seems that the professor goes further and is almost ready to declare that the human brain can never be simulated, which seems not quite correct, the task is certainly difficult, but it does not mean that it is impossible to do...

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The Chinese, I guess, are not so skeptical about AI capabilities.)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The Chinese, I guess, are not so skeptical about AI capabilities anymore)

It's not AI at all. Classification and recognition and nothing more.


Who tried it?

Who would write a manual in Russian, how to try it, I do not even understand how to put - writes that it does not support R 3.5.0.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Who would write a manual in Russian, how to try it, I did not even understand how to put - writes that it does not support R 3.5.0.

Try entering this line (anddevtools must be installed beforehand)

devtools::install_url('', args = c("--no-multiarch"))

This is from here

The version is not up to date but at least you managed to install it

As for the instructions, or how to download the new version from the off site, I have no idea (I am stupid no site opens with the words yandex in the string))

Catboost building and installing error in R
Catboost building and installing error in R
Having problems with the proxy, I try to install catboost for R from a local copy in Windows following this instruction. The only difference is that I didn't download catboost repo via gitbash but manually via the website. I've installed python and add it to the path. I've installed Visual Studio Community 2017, with Windows Platform...

Try putting this line in

it's from here

The version is not the latest but at least I managed to install it.

As for the instructions, or how to download the new version from the off site, I have no idea( (I am stupid no site opens

Thank you, but it did not work.

> devtools::install_url('', args = c("--no-multiarch"))
Downloading package from url:
Ошибка в utils::download.file(url, path, method = download_method(), quiet = quiet,  :
  не могу открыть URL ''
> devtools::install_url('https

MO almost all in English, and here even Yandex puts the docs in English, citing the fact that the abundance of terminology will not convey the meaning in Russian (not verbatim, but the meaning of the answers).

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Thanks, but it didn't work.

Is devtools installed?