Several issues - main is account issue! double charged!


Hi MQl5 community,

I am new here, have searched but can't find the answers. I have a few issues.

1. subscribed to a signal, 2 days later, I want to move it to another mt4 account, so I unsubscribed and then re subscribed it (only way I could see to move it). Now, I've been charged twice by the look of things for the same signal in the same month (actually, it says funds are locked). I don't want to pay twice for the same subscription.

2. I have installed a few instances of mt4 terminal, I want to run a few signals. Problem is that when I try to subscribe via the website, my computer wants to open my last installed mt4 terminal, however I don't want the signal installed on that one. I want it installed on another instance of mt4 terminal. If I try to subscribe to the signal directly in the terminal, I can't see the signal I want listed in the list of signals in the signals tab in the terminal.

Surely, one can subscribe to multiple signals in different installations of mt4, if the signals I wanted were simply listed in the signal tab, I could subscribe, but they aren't. weird.

3... I have installed 3 instances of mt4 on my computer per 2 above. In one of the instances, it shows an incorrect balance of $0.00 in MT4. When I click on the balance, it takes me to, however it is in Russian. When I select English, it is then ok and the balance updates, but then another instance of mt4 has the same problem.


Is there any support here? I can't find any contact details or anything. Hello
You have to write to ServiceDesk for support.

1. subscribed to a signal, 2 days later, I want to move it to another mt4 account, so I unsubscribed and then re subscribed it (only way I could see to move it). Now, I've been charged twice by the look of things for the same signal in the same month (actually, it says funds are locked). I don't want to pay twice for the same subscription.

You can't move subscription from one trade account to another. Please read rules

2. I have installed a few instances of mt4 terminal, I want to run a few signals. Problem is that when I try to subscribe via the website, my computer wants to open my last installed mt4 terminal, however I don't want the signal installed on that one. I want it installed on another instance of mt4 terminal. If I try to subscribe to the signal directly in the terminal, I can't see the signal I want listed in the list of signals in the signals tab in the terminal.

Find needed signal in the search and subscribe on it from terminal

... I have installed 3 instances of mt4 on my computer per 2 above. In one of the instances, it shows an incorrect balance of $0.00 in MT4. When I click on the balance, it takes me to, however it is in Russian. When I select English, it is then ok and the balance updates, but then another instance of mt4 has the same problem.

Please provide more detals and send log file from terminal journal tab.

> You can't move subscription from one trade account to another. Please read rules

I haven't been successful in moving it to another account. But regardless, the point is that I have been double charged, for the same signal on the same account.

> Find needed signal in the search and subscribe on it from terminal

Thanks, but I have tried searching, it is not in the search results. I am interested in several signals, none are in the results, regardless of what I search, author name, signal name. It seems the only signals I have is a list of mt5 signals, yet, I am using mt4. The signals is a small subset of the full list available on There are only around 80 signals in my mt4 terminal.

> Please provide more detals and send log file from terminal journal tab.
Again thanks, but perhaps the people from this website can do that themselves, I am busy and haven't got the time to help mql5 fault find their own website. I don't really care, I am just letting someone know that this problem exists, and it's up to them to find/fix or not, I don't care.
You have to write to ServiceDesk for support.
Thank angevoyageur, will do!

Read Rules please

V. Payments

  1. All payments shall be made in the internal payment system, hereinafter called the Payment System. The Payment system account is created automatically for every user upon registration on
  2. To subscribe to a selected Signals Source, the account shall have sufficient funds to cover the Subscription fee.
  3. Funds can be deposited into the internal Payment System through Gate2Shop, WebMoney, PayPal, QIWI, NETTELLER and UnionPay. Earned funds can be withdrawn only through WebMoney and PayPal.
  4. The Subscriber's account is automatically charged for the Subscription fee for the entire subscription period in advance upon subscribing.
  5. The Signal Provider automatically receives the Subscriber’s fee for using the Signals in a week upon the Subscription period expiration.
  6. The Signals Provider shall receive the payment less 20% commission retained by the "Signals" service.
  7. Paid subscription canceled by Subscriber is not refunded.
  8. If the transmission of the Signal is terminated by the Provider, the reserved Subscribers' funds shall not be transferred to the Provider's account.
  9. In case of violation of "Signals" service Terms of Use, the Provider's account will be blocked and all financial transactions on it suspended.
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Terms of Service Trading Signals: Signal Providers, how to create a signal subscription signals.

Thanks for pointing out the rules, however, this is not what I did. I subscribed twice by accident to the same signal on the same account (thinking unsubscribing would allow me to later subscribe without being charged twice in the same month, same account, same signal). Basically, your system should check such things because there is no reason to double charge me. So, don't send me the rules, just refund the double charge, and fix your site so others can't be ripped off!


\You know, I didn't expect to be refunded when I unsubscribes. What I didn't expect though, was for your system to stupidly allow a 2nd subscription on the same account, for the same signal in the same subscription period. So, stop sending me your rules, people and read my post before sending me anything!


Hi MQl5 community,

I am new here, have searched but can't find the answers. I have a few issues.

1. subscribed to a signal, 2 days later, I want to move it to another mt4 account, so I unsubscribed and then re subscribed it (only way I could see to move it). Now, I've been charged twice by the look of things for the same signal in the same month (actually, it says funds are locked). I don't want to pay twice for the same subscription.

You haven't been charged twice - you just renewed your subscription for one more month. Till 28th January 2015.

Do you you want to cancel second operaion? Cancel subscription yourself and you will have refund because it didn't start yet.

Thanks Rosh, yes, support said the same thing (might have been you). They actually manually released. Now I feel much better. Thanks