"Lisence verification failed"

Dear whomever this may concern,


    Can someone please explain to me how to fix the "license verification failed"

For whatever reason I am unable to use any expert traders or Forex robot on any of my mt4's on my laptop. I used to use one a while back but then for some reason I started receiving the "license check failed". I have tried to fix this error but to no avail. I have tried to research this error but also to no avail. I am now stuck with several Forex robots which no longer work because there is something wrong with my mt4.

Furthermore this problem occurs on all the broker mt4's that I use. Hugosway, yup. LQDFX, yup. IG Metatrader, yup. I genuinely do not know what the problem is or how to fix it. I have tried to contact the support of my former Forex robot which I have but also does not work, and for MONTHS I contacted them and to no avail. It has been about 6-8 months since I purchased the former Forex robot.

Now there was a time way before this when the former Forex robot worked and I had no issues whatsoever. I was able to use the robot on a demo account flawlessly, but for some reason since about 6 months ago I started having the problem.

* Quick Note* (The only thing I can think of is for some reason I disabled "Microsoft updates" on my laptop forever in order to have one of my modded video games to work. This setting was hard to get to and it can be reversed but I can not remember how)

This problem went on so long that I started having new customer service reps assigned to me after every month, once more to no avail.

Why am I having this problem and how do I fix it once and for all????

Hope to hear from you soon, and I pray to everyone that you guys are able to help me fix this problem... :(

How we should know? Ask the coder
Try a build number of MT4 from back then when it worked.