I open 5-6 positions from the MetaTrader 5 Terminal. Then, via Python-instruction ‘positions_get()‘ I download the open positions and put them in a pandas dataframe. After that I close all open positions with ‘order_send()‘.
The problem is that I can never close all positions.
Sometimes it only closes 2, other times only 3, other times still only 4. The error it reports is always and only this here:
10013 (Invalid Request).
What error is it? It’s the only error where you can’t figure out what kind of error it is.
This is a part of my code:
What’s wrong with my code?
How Dominik Egert has said, it needs to normalize the values before sending them to request.
Also, I usually face this problem, and I notice that the comments sometimes cause it. After normalizing the values, try to change the comment, switching it from the single quote ' to double quote " or even passing an empty string to it just to check if it worked.
Hi Dominik and Joao Paulo, thanks for your suggestions. I also tried to write the comment with double quotes and null string, but I couldn't solve the problem.
These are the changes i made:
# dataPortfolio is the pandas dataframe which contains all open positions downloaded from MetaTrader 5. I have tested it, it is correct. for index,row in self.dataPortafolio.iterrows(): # we iterate through all open positions symbol_info = mt5.symbol_info(row['symbol']) digits = symbol_info.digits if row['type'] == mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY: # if order type is a buy, to close we have to sell order_type = mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL price = round(mt5.symbol_info_tick(row['symbol']).bid,digits) else: # otherwise, if order type is a sell, to close we have to buy order_type = mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY price = round(mt5.symbol_info_tick(row['symbol']).ask,digits) close_request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "magic": 234000, "order": 0, "symbol": row['symbol'], "volume": row['volume'], "price": price, "stoplimit": 0.0, "sl": 0.0, "tp": 0.0, "deviation": 10, "type": order_type, "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_IOC, # also tried with ORDER_FILLING_RETURN "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, "expiration": 0, "comment": "Close Trade", "position": row['ticket'], "position_by": 0, } result = mt5.order_send(close_request) # send order to close a position if result.retcode != mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE: print("Close Order "+row['symbol']+" failed!!...Error Code: "+str(result.retcode)) else: print("Order "+row['symbol']+" closed successfully")
Hi Dominik and Joao Paulo, thanks for your suggestions. I also tried to write the comment with double quotes and null string, but I couldn't solve the problem.
These are the changes i made:
you need to round the volume as well.... - I dont knnow if this is the issue.
Additionally you could try ORDER_FILLING_FOK
If all of that does not help, try to print out the structure and see the values given. Post them here. I would like to see.
Could you verify the ticket number does in fact exist?
You could also set deviation to 2* spread... this will ensure, you have nothing standing in between your request and the markets current price.
In Input there are these open positions (dataframe pandas 'dataPortfolio'): ticket time type volume price_open sl price_current swap profit symbol 0 1073335432 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Short 0.50 13750.51 14450.51 13741.42 0.0 3.82 [NQ100] 1 1073335441 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Long 0.60 4095.91 3695.91 4094.26 0.0 -0.83 [SP500] 2 1073335449 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Short 0.40 15202.94 15870.94 15200.25 0.0 1.08 [DAX30] 3 1073335453 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Long 0.07 1757.44 1589.44 1757.47 0.0 0.18 GOLD 4 1073335466 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Short 0.10 57584.94 81977.94 57888.29 0.0 -25.46 BTCUSD 5 1073335480 8/4/2021 19:20 Gio Long 1.50 19.31 11.51 19.17 0.0 -1.76 ETCUSD In Output the order_send function gives me this: OrderSendResult(retcode=10009, deal=0, order=1073335620, volume=0.5, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Close Trade', request_id=49, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='[NQ100]', volume=0.5, price=13742.45, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335432, position_by=0)) OrderSendResult(retcode=10013, deal=0, order=0, volume=0.0, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Invalid request', request_id=0, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='[SP500]', volume=0.6, price=4094.91, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335441, position_by=0)) OrderSendResult(retcode=10009, deal=0, order=1073335623, volume=0.4, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Close Trade', request_id=50, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='[DAX30]', volume=0.4, price=15201.26, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335449, position_by=0)) OrderSendResult(retcode=10013, deal=0, order=0, volume=0.0, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Invalid request', request_id=0, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='GOLD', volume=0.07, price=1757.46, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335453, position_by=0)) OrderSendResult(retcode=10009, deal=0, order=1073335625, volume=0.1, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Close Trade', request_id=51, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='BTCUSD', volume=0.1, price=57890.06, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335466, position_by=0)) OrderSendResult(retcode=10013, deal=0, order=0, volume=0.0, price=0.0, bid=0.0, ask=0.0, comment='Invalid request', request_id=0, retcode_external=0, request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='ETCUSD', volume=1.5, price=19.35, stoplimit=0.0, sl=0.0, tp=0.0, deviation=10, type=0, type_filling=1, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='Close Trade', position=1073335480, position_by=0))As you can see 3 Orders have been accepted (NQ100, DAX30, BTCUSD) and 3 rejected (SP500, GOLD, ETCUSD).
You're right Dominik, there was a 'short' circuit in my brain, and I can't explain why.
In my mind I was convinced to make the comparison with the values 0 and 1, but in reality I had put the strings 'Long' and 'Short' in the dataframe, this for my convenience.
Unforgivable mistake!!
Okay, thanks again.
You're right Dominik, there was a 'short' circuit in my brain, and I can't explain why.
In my mind I was convinced to make the comparison with the values 0 and 1, but in reality I had put the strings 'Long' and 'Short' in the dataframe, this for my convenience.
Unforgivable mistake!!
Okay, thanks again.
close_request = { "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, "symbol": row['symbol'], "volume": row['volume'], "type": order_type, "order": row['ticket'], "position": row['ticket'], "price": price, "deviation": 20, "magic": 234000, "comment": 'Close trade', "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_IOC, # also tried with ORDER_FILLING_RETURN }

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I open 5-6 positions from the MetaTrader 5 Terminal. Then, via Python-instruction ‘positions_get()‘ I download the open positions and put them in a pandas dataframe. After that I close all open positions with ‘order_send()‘.
The problem is that I can never close all positions.
Sometimes it only closes 2, other times only 3, other times still only 4. The error it reports is always and only this here:
10013 (Invalid Request).
What error is it? It’s the only error where you can’t figure out what kind of error it is.
This is a part of my code:
What’s wrong with my code?