Trading style has changed. Part of history is not included in statistics.



I was collecting information from one of my accounts at mql5 "signals", but since yesterday all my growth was erased and started to count again.

They putted the following message: " Trading style has changed. Part of history is not included in statistics. "

But the fact is: I was not changed my "style", because I'm using the same EA! This is the same strategy and in accordance it gets more profits, it will increase the lots volume.

What can I do to get my account growth back?

PS.: I did not found any kind of this subject in service desk to open a new ticket.

Guilherme Mendonca:


I was collecting information from one of my accounts at mql5 "signals", but since yesterday all my growth was erased and started to count again.

They putted the following message: " Trading style has changed. Part of history is not included in statistics. "

But the fact is: I was not changed my "style", because I'm using the same EA! This is the same strategy and in accordance it gets more profits, it will increase the lots volume.

What can I do to get my account growth back?

PS.: I did not found any kind of this subject in service desk to open a new ticket.

You should have connected your account to MQL5 signal database from the very beginning, in order to avoid such messages.

This warning is there because some statistics are not complete and trustworthy, such as the maximum drawdown of your account.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You should have connected your account to MQL5 signal database from the very beginning, in order to avoid such messages.

This warning is there because some statistics are not complete and trustworthy, such as the maximum drawdown of your account.

No. it's not!

This account is connected at least 04 months and never was disconnected during this time. Why only now this kind of message appeared?

I would like to get back my account growth. What can I do?

Guilherme Mendonca:

No. it's not!

This account is connected at least 04 months and never was disconnected during this time. Why only now this kind of message appeared?

I would like to get back my account growth. What can I do?

As I said they account was not connected from its very beginning and that is a fact.

The trigger for this warning message was the 'abnormal' 300% growth of last month.

When MQL5 signal system detects monthly growths over 150-200% it labels this kind of trading as risky and you get this message.

There is nothing you can do and you are not the only one with that kind of message, you will see many signals with large monthly growths with such warnings.

Guilherme Mendonca:

No. it's not!

This account is connected at least 04 months and never was disconnected during this time. Why only now this kind of message appeared?

I would like to get back my account growth. What can I do?


Because automated robot started to re-calculate the stats and this automated robot understands that trading style for the signal was changed.
That is why some monthlyly growth was ignored.

And there is some other reason: abnormal monthly growth (321.70%).
read this thread about it: Signals - Reliability

Signals - Reliability
Signals - Reliability
  • 2018.12.07
How do I understand the Reliability Index for Signal providers...


It's very sad beacause the system should "know" that it's possible to make huge gains or huge loss in this kind of market. Last month was atipical compared to the other months.

In fact, was really an abnormal growth, but doesn't mean it was false. And I guarantee it was true growth according to the money at my MT5.

But anyway, I understand the system must have some tools to avoid manipulated accounts, but at the same time it should give the opportunite to users prove this kind of situation was real!